chapter 15

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Emily faced him and with tears in her eyes she hugged him. After all the hurt and pain she had endured she know she loved him still and so deeply that leaving him is no longer an option. He had asked for forgiveness and she forgave him.

But this time she is a stronger person and she will fight for their marriage. She had been young and insecure and so reliant of him. She will not allow him to dally with anyone ever. 

But then she remembered Gwen answering his phone, so she looked up him and angrily inquired. " Why was your phone was with Gwyneth?"

But Alex felt less frightened with her anger now for he had felt her affection when he had held her in his arms. 

She was in the faculty room when my phone rang. She picked it up from my desk and went straight to the principal after you hang up. Babe she is nothing to me. I am sorry. But please let me have another chance with you. I love you.

Just then the nurse came in for Wilhelm's medication. She smiled at us and assured us that our son is okay. She must be thinking that I'm crying about it. So we thanked her for her concern. 

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I heard my phone beep my morning's alarm and stretching my body I felt Alex moved besides me and and for the first time after that horrid incident at the hotel I opened my eye and turned on my side to face him and did not intentionally turned away and pretended to be asleep as I have done a lot of times before.

Alex moved closer to cradle me in his arms while kissing my face and then my lips. He deepened the kiss and I glorified at the feel of his tongue in mine as he suck me senseless. I felt his hand moved down to caress my chest and squeezed them before moving down to my ribs and to where I loved to be touched and stroked the most. Moaning he adjusted his position and went on to give and shower me with his affections until we both were satisfied.

After our breathing had calmed down he said, ''Good morning sweetheart''. and with a feeling of lightness in my heart I smiled and playfully pushed him out of bed and scolded, ''Get going you will be late.''

After Alex had prepared and fed the boys breakfast he left for work. I was feeding my baby girl when Nanna showed up and informed me that Maria called and said that she can't come today for she was feeling under the weather.

''Don't worry about me taking care of the kids today. You know that I love them as my own and I'm not that old that I can't manage them.'' Nanna went on.

''I'm just worried that you would be exhausting yourself.'' I replied, ''And you were being stubborn I told you yesterday not to do the cleaning and the moving of the furniture in the nursery room.'' I continued.

''I did not do it was Alex. He came home earlier yesterday and moved out some of his stuff and cleaned the room,'' Nanna answered.

''He purposely did not go to that tutorial class of his. He said he canceled it so he can clean the room so as not to piss you off any further. Well that husband of yours clearly loves you. And I'm glad that he was able to see what a lovely family he already has. And I'm proud of you that you were able to forgive him.'' Nanna said.

''So you have kissed and made love already?'' Nana further asked.

''Maybe?'' I answered.

''Oh!!! Is that why you look tired and sleepy? I thought you were just having one of you me can't sleep days.'' Nanna wickedly smiled as she looked at me.

''You have a dirty mind,'' I said as I stood up to put my child in her crib.

''I know a lot of making up when I was married and young, so how many times did you do it last night?'' she laughingly asked me. But the boys chose that moment to come in the kitchen so she said, ''Oh don't answer that from that look in your face I think I can guess.'' She said.

''But I'm glad that you and him have at least cleared the air between you. And just how lovely you look now that you have made peace with your husband. '' Nanna hugged me.

William and Wilhelm had asked once again for their glass of milk. So I went to the fridge and got the container and then poured the milk in their glass. And telling them that I would be reporting to work soon. 

''Kids, Nanna will be with you today so please help her take care of your little sister okay? And don't forget to keep the toys in their containers after playing with them.'' I said. The boys agreed and nodded their heads.

''Nanna what would you like for lunch? I want to make the reservation now for the delivery before I will forget. I will be very busy today, Chantal said we will be on-site to put the finishing touches on the house.

''When can I expect you to be back?'' Nanna asked.

''I really don't know but I will keep you posted of my schedule okay? And Alex said he would be home earlier because his student in the tutorial class is rotated to a night shift workload so he would be meeting with him in the afternoon.

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Emily came home soon after her work was done. She checked on Alex something she had never done before. 

"Hey babe, are you still in your tutorial classes?"

" I'm on my way babe. Do you want me to buy something for dinner? I'm almost at the supermarket." Alex asked.

"We have still a lot of supplies in the pantry. But fruits would be fine. An avocado and mango if you can find them would be great." She replied. 

"Okay, anything else?" Alex answered back. 

"I just want you home babe. The children are with Nanna and Maria, and if you can be here before dinner time I think we still have time to make the dessert the children love so much." She replied. 

"Oh... I thought you want me for dessert." Alex chuckled.

"Well... you can always change my mind," Emily replied chuckling to herself as she put back the phone on its cradle. 

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