chapter 10

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Alex watched her wife left the room and was paralyzed with her words. He knew that something is troubling her. For these past few weeks she have been nothing but preoccupied. He was hoping against hope that her aloofness were something not of his making. But his gut feeling is right. She had known of his affair after all. Why she hadn't confronted him yet he had no idea.

When he had helped her in landscaping the garden he was hoping that she will confide in him of what's troubling her. But he soon neglected her coldness towards him. He had put it off as one of her mood swings. But last week her mood seemed to have improved. He was glad that she have smiled at him once more and they have returned to their usual banter and camaraderie while they pruned and cultivated the soil.

She still lingers in going to bed opting to do the laundry during the night. And when he asked her about it she reasoned that she did them so while the kids are fast asleep. And he felt guilty thinking that she was avoiding him.

Then this week she surprised him of having a job. He didn't know about her applying for one. And to his dismay it was Kenny who had helped her. If she wanted to get one she could go back to  teaching. But they already talked about it. It was her decision to quit working to focus on taking the children. She hadn't complained being a stay at home mom. But since she seemed excited and it gave the twinkle back in her eyes he didn't oppose.

But now everything is clear. Her actions and her avoidance of any physical contact between them speaks of her knowledge of his affair. But why she didn't ask him? Why wait till now? When did she learn of his affair?

But he didn't count on her she coming home late everyday. And the kids were left with only Maria to manage them. How could she trust the woman when he arrived one afternoon to find his children deep in mud catching frogs? He had not mentioned it to her for he is fast asleep by the time she came to sleep by his side.

His temper had risen when he noticed his papers were spilled with milk. Regretfully he had directed his anger to his children when in fact he was angry with her for letting a stranger take care of the children.

And his temper had risen when he sees the car that dropped her off. Who would dropped a mere employee in a Mercedes Benz? And his jealousy reigned on when it took several minutes for her to get off the car.

He hadn't been able to control his temper when she confronted him. His disappointment of coming home without her is great. He missed her. He missed his wife. He missed the smell of baking when he arrived from work. She hadn't done it these past few weeks.  When he asked why she's not baking cookies anymore she just replied that she was on a diet.

She had slimmed down and tanned during her work on the garden. He had commented her looks but she just smiled. She didn't flaunt her body like she always did whenever he commented how beautiful she looks.

Today she was wearing those body hugging dress. Her curves were beautifully emphasized and her legs without stocking were wonderfully flawless. She is gifted with a skin that is milky white and free from freckles.

I hated the man who were with her today whether it was work related or not. And so when she confronted me about the kids I couldn't rein in my temper knowing that I was jealous and not happy with the goings in the house.

I have not slept well, but I resolved to court my wife again. I turned on my bed feeling the empty space beside me. She would always rise before me. Now I know that it was with an intention to stay away from me. Everything she did was to avoid me. But those were so subtle I haven't even realized them.

I went downstairs and prepared breakfast. I haven't done this for a long time. I didn't notice our routine have changed. When we started as a couple it was always me preparing breakfast for her. But when William came I took over in caring and feeding him for most of the nights. So it was Emily who took over preparing breakfast.

Today I would start taking care of her. I made her favorites, pancakes, stir fried vegetables and coffee. Then sunny side up eggs and rice for the children. She would always insist on a full meal for the boys. And let them eat the pancakes only as their snacks during the day.

After preparing everything and have eaten my meal I knocked on the guest room to tell her that breakfast is ready.

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