chapter 14

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"Good morning!" Brad said as he pulled a chair. Then he looked at me in the eyes. " I am sorry about last night and I hope you slept okay?''

"Good morning. I was to blame too. I am sorry that I lead you on. You must think of me as a tease. But I was overwhelmed by your attention and for once I felt good about myself. And I think I thank you for that."  

"I love you the moment you walked in my office Emily, I wish you are mine right now so I can cherish you as you should be cherished. I want to make love with you every day of my life." 

"Oh, Brad I wish that I could say the same. But I still love my husband despite his mistakes. And I have my children to think of too."

"Emily just remember that what I said last night was true. I love you and I am willing to wait for you and if you ever change your mind and that I am here."

''Oh, Brad please don't say that. There are a lot of women out there who would be willing to be with you. Women who don't have a lot of baggage and not to mention saddled with three kids.''

''If only one can control one's heart then the world would be a happy place to be.''

Brad was still holding my hand and caress my palm. If last night was an indication I  bet he would willingly take me here and now. So I have to extract my hand so as not to incite any further sexual tension between us.  Just then the head waiter came to our table to announce that the buffet table is ready. 

So I gladly stood up to get my plate and choose my breakfast from the array of food on the buffet table. 

************                  ************                   ************

We were at the airport when I received a call from Maria. "Hello. Hello. Emily? I hope I haven't disturbed you but Wilhelm is sick. He throws up just now and he's running a fever. Nanna isn't here so I called you up to ask what medicine should I gave him.''

''Maria you were right in calling me up. In the meantime let him drink the syrup I mentioned. I will be contacting Alex right now to assist you okay. Please just be calm.'' I told her as I dialed Alex number. I was about to give up after the fourth ring when it was picked up.

 ''Hello, Alex?

''I am sorry but this is Gwen, Alex still in his class. How may I help you?''

''This is his wife. Please tell him to check on his son, Wilhelm. He is sick right now and his nanny just called me to ask what she should do. I am still in Venice and about to board the plane so I would be out of coverage for a while and can't do the monitoring.

I would really appreciate it if you will convey the message right now?''

''Okay, I will.'' 

Damn, why is his cell phone is with her? Are they still in a relationship? He said he stopped seeing her.

''Are you okay?'' Brad asked as he lead me towards the passengers getting in line for the boarding.

''My son is sick, Maria just called me up to ask what she should do,'' I answered.  Then I quietly cried as I think of my child sick and I'm not there to comfort him. This is the first time that I am not there with them and I felt guilty.

Brad sensing my feelings just hold my hands as he kept repeating that everything will just be fine and that sooner we will be home.

__    __          __         ___         __        ___         ___       _    _             _     _

Alex scratched his head as he worried over what Emily must have thought when Gwen answered his phone. Would she believed him if he say that Gwen just happened to be by his table when it rings?

Now as he sat down by his child's side as he lay in the hospital bed he was thankful to Gwen that she had instantly informed their principal and that he was able to get home earlier and bring his child to the hospital.

He is still waiting for Emily to contact him again. But so far she hadn't called. She must still be in the air. But he was worried that she might misinterpret him this time. 

"Wilhelm don't move your arm, it might dislodge the needle." 

"Daddy I miss you! When did you arrive? Do I have a gift?"

"I missed you too, son. I came as soon as I've heard you're sick. What do you want to eat? The doctor said you can eat whatever you want."

"Where is mommy? I just want my mommy." Wilhelm cried so I held him in my arms and calm him down.

"Daddy tell your principal not to send you away to work." He sobbed as he clings to me. My heart aches as I realized how my children must have missed me. So I firmly and silently vowed to always put my children's need before my own. 

This is what I will lose if I have to follow my needs before them. And I am afraid that I may also have lost my wife. I called Kenny about Emily's boss. And I have every reason that he brought my wife to Venice for his own gain.  I can't let her go. God I love her. I was a fool to cheat on her. 

 "Daddy, you are crying too?" I dried my tears and his tears as I kiss him on his cheek.

"Daddy, don't kiss me the virus will transfer to you."

"I am a big man the virus can't touch me."  I cradled him in my arms as he settled to sleep.

Then later the door opened and Emily came in.

"Oh Alex thanks God you are here." Then kneeling in front of me she touched Wilhelm and kissed him on his cheek and cried.

"How is he? God I felt awful there I was touring Venice enjoying the sights when all the while my child is sick." She continued to cry.

"Em, he'll be alright. Don't put it against you. You are a good mom and you know it. Your son is just suffering from chickenpox. But because of the fever he was not eating well and he's also suffering from gastroenteritis that's why he is vomiting."

"Has he vomited now?" She asked as she touched his neck for a raised temperature.

"He's responding well to the treatment Honey. How was your flight?"

"Awful the flight was almost canceled because of the weather. Why don't you transfer him to the bed now? He's already asleep." 

So he stood up and positioned his son on the bed as Emily arranged the ivy on the boy's arm. Once his son is on the bed he straightened up and faced Emily as she too moves away from the bed. And capturing her hand in his he asked, "Babe are we still together?"

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