chapter 13

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Venice did not fail to surprise and to deliver its magnificence in its structure and in its rich history. Brad has been familiar with the place and so his rich knowledge of the place had me awed with wonder and appreciate what the Venetian had done.

Brad only had a brief meeting with his business associates during lunchtime and so we had ample time to see the sights and stroll through St. Mark's square. There was a large crowd and so to keep us from separating he kept me close by tucking my arm in his. And during this moment  I started to wonder if this trip was as innocent as it seemed.

I recalled Nanna's warning and wondered if it was indeed true. Ever since we arrived in Venice he had given me his utmost attention. We had already established a friendship when we were forced to spend time together as he helped me navigate my way around suppliers and contractors but now it seemed his attention is something more. 

I felt it in his subtle hold of my arm and when he looked at me and tell me the history behind every painting at the Gallerie dell'Accademia.  

Getting in from one room to the next at the gallery I realized that I enjoyed his attention too. He had kept his hold of my arm as we toured each room and gazed in wonder at each painting.

After all the hurt and desperation I felt over the past few months I found that Brad's attention was like a salve to my heart's open wounds. I love to listen to him as he explained each painting and his attempt to make me smile was just endearing. 

We visited the market and he insisted on buying the toys that were carved in wood for the boys. He bought a scarf for me as he noticed that I like wearing one. And insisted to buy a good luck charm bracelet for my girl. 

"Brad these things are worth a fortune. It has a tourist price written to it." I complained. 

"But you agree that these are made with  good craftsmanship and besides buying these will help support the local industry and keep the business going." He reasoned. 

 I was overwhelmed by his attention and his thoughtfulness for my children. And so I had only managed to murmur a thank you.

Dinner was superb and after taking our coffee and dessert we decided to walk back to the hotel. The moon was full and a lot of tourists took the opportunity to stroll along the banks. 

"I have a good time and thank you so much for this opportunity," I said as I turned to look at him.  We have stopped and were just watching at the scene before us at the canal. 

"It was my pleasure bringing you here and although I've been here a lot of times  seeing the places once again in your eyes made me appreciate more what Venice has to offer." He said.

A young tourist has his mp3 played out loudly a beautiful love song. And much to the amazement of everyone this had prompted his companions to ask for a dance from another group of female tourists. It had brought a smile to everyone gathered. 

 And it had also prompted Brad to bow before me and proffered his hand out for the dance. Laughingly I took his hand and he guided me towards him. He held me so close to him that I rested my head on his chest.

A nostalgia had crept on me as I remembered my first dance with my husband. A solid body against my own and an arms around me that seemed to protect me from any harm. I sighed and Brad had gently lifted my face to him wondering why and I shook my head to tell him it was nothing. 

A lot of couples now have joined us and Brad had steered us away from the crowd. I felt him tightened his embrace and kissed my head and so I raised my face to him. He then lowered his head and kissed me. 

My heart seemed to fly away from me. The knowledge that somebody desired me was doing a great thing to my broken ego. 

Infidelity has left me so unsure of myself and of my worth as a sexual partner for my husband that Brad's attention and his kiss had left me soaring high. 

I have missed this feeling of being wanted and of someone needing me. 

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