Chapter 3

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Roman POV

"Sir, are you he- "

Stefen enter the kitchen and saw me and my little beauty who's currently being trap between my massive body and the shelf behind her.

I slowly back away and hold her hand placing the cream on her palm.

"I'll be back, Angel."

Walking out the kitchen with Stefen following behind me, I turn to him and give him a stern look.

"Stay down here with her. I'll deal with the women alone."

"Sir, I got a call from Lorenzo that the shipment from Mexico has arrived."

I nod and walk up the stairs heading to the office where the women is currently at.

Pushing the door with 'Callahan Office' on it. It slam against the wall making it echoes around the house.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Callahan, how are you?" I said while walking in and close the door slowly and locking it.

Her eyes widen and she visibly paled at my presence.

"M-Mr. Aurelio, w-why did you come here?" She asked while playing with a pen in her hands.

I walk slowly to the table and place my hands on it leaning forward.

"You know why, Callahan, you know damn well why I came here personally." I hiss at the end and bang my hand on the table making her yelp and fear fills her eyes.

"P-Please Sir, I-I'll pay next m-month." She said and shrink even more in her chair when I glare at her.

"I have given you five month to pay all the shit you brought from me and not a single damn penny did you pay. You always fucking say next month over and over again to my salers. So, here I am, personally standing in front of you ready to have all those money you said you will pay." I said and my anger was rising inside of me like a ticking bomb.

"I p-promise I'll pay n-next month! I swear!" She told me with her left hand on her chest.

I was quiet for a moment and stare at her, but she look like she might piss her pants any second when I started to grin.

"Alright... I'll gave you another chance to pay me back." I said and lean back.

She sigh and she drop her hand on her lap.

"But if I don't see a single money in front of me tomorrow, you're gonna be a delicious meal to the wolves in the woods." I said to her and stand straighter looking at her now terrified face and tears flowing out like a waterfall out her eyes.

Then a thought accrue to me.

"Bu- "


I aim the gun at her and she stop every movement.

"On second thought.... I'm actually not that good of a guy giving second chances to anyone." I announce and place the gun on her forehead pushing it till the back of her head is pressing against her large chair.

"And you blew you chances when you startled my little beauty by yelling her precious name out your filthy mouth which end up hot water splash on her delicate skin." I said menacingly and pull the trigger.



He look at me and stand straighter after leaning against the counter in the kitchen while I stand at the archway and look at him.

"Yes sir?" He ask and walk towards me.

"Call them." I said quietly at him so my little beauty can't hear us as she is sitting on one of the dining table chairs with her head laying down on the table.

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