Chapter 21

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Angela POV

"Angela.. Wake up."

A soft comfortable feeling under my head makes me sigh and I turn to my left getting comfy. A deep chuckle broke through the silent air and slowly my eyes flutter open staring at a cream colored wall with patterns on them.


"Sleep well Angela?" A deep raspy voice sounded from the end of the bed and I froze not recognising it.

Quickly I sat up on the bed and my sleepy yet panic eyes landed straight to an angel.

His features was strong yet soft. Amusement playing in his grey eyes staring back at me with thick dark lashes surrounding it, His blonde curly hair is messily styled and push back. His soft pink lips is curve into a smile and there's a dimple on his right cheek.

What's with all this handsome man keep coming one by one? Is the world trying to tell me something?

"Enjoying the view?"

My face heat up like a light bulb and I pull the comforter closer to me trying to protect myself from this handsomely stranger. My eyes leaves him and I scan the whole room, It was beautiful yet simple.

The room has a small balcony with it's door open letting the fresh air blew in and a white door slightly open near the nightstand beside the twin size bed I'm on is showing me a bathtub inside. A white colored closet near another door which I'm guessing it's the bedroom door.

My eyes finally look back at this person and he seems to be tilting his head observing me.

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze and I think about Roma-


I gasp and push the comforter away from me and get off the bed almost losing my balance before holding the pillow and ready to throw it at him. All the while I did this, the guy on the bed slowly stand from his spot and smile at me.

All event from earlier or yesterday or I don't know how long I've been here came rushing back to me. The argument between the three of them about who's gonna take me and especially the explosion.

"W-Where's Roman? Where am I? Who a-are you?" I asked and he walk towards the bedroom door before looking at me.

"Your questions will be answered later Angela. So for now, Please take a shower. Breakfast is almost ready downstairs. I'll come and get you when it's ready." He said with the charming smile before walking out and shutting the door.

I frown and slowly lowered the pillow weirded by him. And to make it weirder, I actually quickly took a shower after picking up the simple white summer dress from the end of the bed.

The bathroom was nice. Bathtub with shower, a toilet, a sink with mirror and some cabinets.

After I finish showered, I put on the undergarment before sliding the dress on. Walking out the bathroom, I pull the hair band from my hair letting my hair flow down and I brush them before smiling at how I look but it instantly drop when I remember my situation.

Knock knock

"Angela, Breakfast is re- " The guy from before said opening the door before stepping inside and look at me with wide eyes when he saw me.

I gulp and walk to him but didn't stand too close to him. He open the door fully wide before ranking his eyes from my feet to my face. I flinch when he brush a loose strand of hair out of my face and tuck it behind my ear.... in a friendly manner.

"Vous êtes si belle..." He whisper before holding my hand and guide me out the bedroom and down the stairs.


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