Chapter 17

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Angela POV

Walking around the mansion, I huff and lean against the wall beside a window. The birds chirping outside and the trees rustle slowly against the wind.

The sky is clear blue, not a single cloud can be seen. I look at the empty hallway and scan the paintings on the wall.

Beautiful color mix in each painting with a scenery of different landscape. The walls were soft grey and the tiled floor were black marble. Three dark brown door with beautiful carves on them and the sun shines through the window with cream colored curtains tied to the side.

Sounds like a bad combination but it's actually beautiful.

Roman and the other are busy doing something so I'm left alone walking around inside the mansion. He didn't allow me outside the house again without him or there would be consequences.

I shiver when he whisper into my ear earlier when he warn me about even setting a foot outside the house. He told me if he caught me outside, his gonna do something really unforgettable to me.

First I thought he was joking but I know he was serious. He even smirk at me....

I unlock the window and open it wide. Fresh air hit my face and I close my eyes feeling the calm breeze caresses my skin. Inhale deeply, I smile the feeling of sun hitting my skin.

My mind was always occupied with something after what Roman told me that day. What he said did make sense why I couldn't find any information about my real parents and the fact that some people dispose of the evidences of that night was so strange.

I play with my fingers and lean against the window seal. I zone out then just sing quietly a song that has always been stuck in my head since forever maybe.

I will never know where I know this song and it's permanent in my head and I never get tired of it.

"Pure as the Winter snow

Warm as the Summer sun

Colorful as the Spring grows

Beautiful as the Autumn trees

My child my love

Close your eyes and sleep to this lullaby

For I will be here and be with you

So no nightmare may come to you..."

I sing slowly and enjoy the sun shining on my skin. Listening to my voice flow in the air, I look at the forest in front of me.

A leaf caught my eyes and I watch as it becomes even more loose on it branch. As I finally finish my song, the leaf finally free from it's branch and flow slowly to the ground.

As my eyes follow the way it fall swinging left and right, twirling every now and then. My eyes broke away from the leaf and connect to a bright green pair of orbs that I know all to well.

I froze in my spot as his eyes staring back at me with so much intensity that I didn't dare to move my eyes away nor didn't I dare to make a sound.

Slowly but calmly I pull away from the window ledge. I saw something flash in those eyes and my eyes travel down to his figure.

The right side of his body was hiding behind a tree, His wearing a long sleeve grey tee shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbow and a black jeans. I couldn't see his shoes because the only part I could see is from his knees till his thick light brown hair that is messily styled on his head.

His muscles look like it might ripped that tee shirt into shreds.

Finally my eyes rest on his face, His nose was straight and he has thick eyebrows. We both were not far from each other so I can see he has a scar on his left face.

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