Chapter 13

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Angela POV

After he fix me up, he didn't even leave my side the whole morning. When I need to use the bathroom only did he leave me but he wait me outside the door.

Now it's two in the afternoon, I currently sitting between his legs while leaning my body on his and he round his arms around my waist. We're watching TV right now and I'm munching a crisps when I heard a footsteps enter the room.

I look to the side where the doorway is and saw a bad looking Mr. Miguel. He stand on the doorway with busted lips and a big purple blue bruise cover his right cheek. On the left side there's a bruise too but not as bad as the other one.

I gasp and get out off Roman's arms and went to him.

"Oh my gosh, is your jaw broken? Is your cheeks okay? Are there anything broken beside your jaw? He even punch your eyes?!" I keep rambling and he just stare at me with a small smile.

Roman came up from behind me and look at him.

"I'm okay. Nothings broken. Yes, even the eye." He answered me and I turn then slap Roman's arm.

He only look at me and circle his arms around me.

"That's for hitting him." I said and slap his chest.

I turn inside his arm facing Mr. Miguel and wiggle my one arm out then place a hand on his arm squeezing it lightly.

"I'm sorry about Roman."

"It's fine. I've had worse."

"WHAT?!" I yelled shock and get out of Roman's hold.

Roman eyes was so wide that I think it might pop out. Before I could say anything, Mr. Miguel quickly hold my uninjured arm.

"I didn't mean Mr. Aurelio the one hit me. It was by someone else." He said to me and I feel a bit relief to that.

But curiosity get me when he said someone else.

"Who hit you more brutal than him?" I asked and both Roman and him gone quiet for a while before a voice came from behind Mr. Miguel.

"Sister, I'm here."

I lean to the side and smile brightly.

"Brother!" I said and pass Mr. Miguel then jump into him hanging like a monkey.

He chuckle and hug me. A large warm hand rest behind my back and I can feel the person didn't like what I've done.

"Lorenzo, I see you came. Why? any news?" Roman said and plug me off from Lorenzo then place me beside him and warp an arm around me.

"Actually sir, I came because Sebastian told me to bring him to the hospital." He said while point a finger at Stefen.

Roman grunt and walk me and him to the sofa and place me again between his legs. I just sigh and lean back at him careful not to hit the bump behind my head.

"And we also found the two men you ask of." Lorenzo said and Roman froze behind me then face him and Stefen.

"We'll discuss it later, I wanna spend time with her. Go and be back at my office in two hours." He said and bury his nose in my hair breathing in.

I frown and hold his large hands on my thigh.

"Roman, Why don't you just go. It seems important. I don't want to be a bother." I said and peck his hand.

He only hold my hand and body tighter to him and shake his head no. Lorenzo and Mr. Miguel walk away after bowing at him, I watch until their figure disappear then get off from the sofa.

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