Chapter 8: New beginning

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Ashima's POV

I'm so tired my legs are hurting "Pia we have done enough shopping now let's go home I'm tired" I said to Pia as she made her way to another shop ignoring my words. Now I think it was a bad idea to come shopping with her I just wanted to spend some time with her as tomorrow morning I'll be leaving for US.

I'm so nervous about going US because there I'll be all alone how am I going to manage but I'm excited too.

"Ashi see this dress will suit you go try it" Pia said showing me a light blue sleeve less dress which will reach about my mid thighs it was nice but I have already bought many dresses I don't need anymore.

"No we have bought many clothes today its enough lets go eat something I'm hungry" I said frowning at her.

"okay let's go" she said and we walked out of the shop.


After eating Pia wanted to go to  some more shops but I dragged her back home as I'm tired and I have a flight the next morning.

We watched a movie together and after that had dinner. We kept talking while having dinner about random stuff.

"Now go sleep you have early morning flight good night" Pia said walking towards her room  yawning as she herself was feeling sleepy.

"Good night"


I hugged Pia once again as she hugged me back.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I heard her saying as I pulled away.

"I'll miss you too" I said with moist eyes.

"Now go before you miss the flight" she said smiling at me.

I quickly walked away not wanting to miss the flight waving at her saying bye as she did the same.

I sighed as I sat on my seat looking out of the window With many thoughts in my mind.

Soon I started getting bore so I searched for my headphones in my hand bag when I pulled it out a card slipped out of my bag I frowned in confusion as I picked it up. As I turned it I saw Edward Miller written on it with a number oops I almost forgot about him he must have given me his card so that I call him but I got busy in my job and all. Yeah as if you were going to call him if you were not busy my subconscious told me with disappointment in her voice.

I smiled remembering him he is the first boy who asked me to be just friends while the boys who tried to talk with me in college  just wanted to be in a relationship while I didn't.

I closed my eyes listening my favorite songs as sleep took over me.


"Best of luck Ashima Mehra" I whispered to myself as the flight landed and I took a cab. I told the driver the address of my apartment which my mom gifted me yes I'm going to stay in that apartment although the airline offered me a place to stay but I denied it.

I paid the driver as I reached my destination. It's a twenty floors building and my apartment is on ninth floor. I entered the elevator and pressed on the ninth floor.

I looked at the name plate which held my name although I never lived here but my mom wanted to decorate everything. I entered the flat and looked around this place is still the same although it needs some dusting and my job starts the day after tomorrow so I have enough time to clean this place but first I need some sleep so i walked to my room and got into bed as I was really tired and soon sleep took over me.

When I woke up I looked at my phone to check the time and I was surprised to see that I slept only for one hour when I was feeling so sleepy anyways its good because I have to clean the whole house "so get on work Ashi" I said to myself making my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Uff finally done" I huffed. As I dusted the whole house and saying that I'm tired would be an understatement. I'm so hungry and I think that I should have brought something to eat first instead of dusting because I don't have anything to eat right now in the fridge its already past ten don't know if the shops will be open at this time or not but I have to check.

Making myself presentable to go out I took my hand bag and walked out of the apartment.

I have been walking for twenty minutes now but there was only one shop open and that was a gift shop so having no other option I bought a chocolate bar. Something is better then nothing I said to myself while eating the chocolate. I looked around its really dark maybe it was not a good idea to come out at this time I started walking fast suddenly feeling a little scared. I have been always scared of dark.

As I was walking down on the empty dark roads footpath there was a hand trying to grab my hand bag I turned around to see a tall guy who looked scary I think he's a thief Stupid of course his is a thief or else why he will snatch your bag my subconscious barked at me.

I tightened my grip on my bag as he had no weapon like gun or knife so I grabbed the rod which was lying on the side of footpath and hit it directly on his head which I regretted soon as his head started bleeding a little he left my bag and held his head in pain I don't know what to do should I run.

As I was thinking what to do I heard a cars horn I looked at that direction only to find two police officers coming towards us oh no I'm gone.

"what's going on here?" one of them asked.

"officer its not my fault...he was trying to snatch my bag so I hit him to protect myself" I said after gathering courage to talk and the guy whom I hit said that he didn't do anything still holding his head.

"What were you doing here at this time you don't look American are you a member of some terrorist or mafia gang" the other officer asked taking out his gun.

Oh no this is not going right.

Before I could say something thing both the cops pointed a gun at the guy and me saying "You both have to come with us we'll handle this case at the police station"


"Sir please believe me I'm from India I'm not a member of any gang" I said almost breaking down I have never been to a police station I feel horrible.

"Okay show us your passport".

I searched in my bag hoping that my passport is not in my apartment. I smiled when I found it I gave it to the cops as they looked at it.

"okay we believe that you are not from any gang but now that a case has been filed against you for creating violence we can't leave you until someone gives your bail and takes the responsibility that you won't create unwanted violence again" as the cop said this my smile fall down they filed a case against me and they gave a warning to the thief and left him just because his head needed treatment what a justice.

Should I call my dad no I can't call him but I don't have anyone here now who will give my bail.

Just then I remembered someone who can help me well I hope he'll help me. That day the flight in which we met was coming here only so maybe he lives in Seattle only I pulled a card out of my bag and called on the number which was on the card. My call was answered on the third ring and I sighed before saying in a low voice.

"Hello can I speak to Mr.Edward"


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