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Edward's POV

"Brenda please get me the file of Mr. Samuel" I said to my assistant while walking out of the meeting room as she was walking behind me with the notes she took during the meeting.

"Anything else Mr. Miller" Brenda asked handing me the file I asked for as I sat in my cabin.

"No that's all, you may leave" I replied and she left.

And as I was going through the file I felt like I'm forgetting something and suddenly I couldn't concentrate on my work anymore thinking about the important thing that I might have forgotten to do.

"What am I forgetting" I whispered to myself rubbing my chin and that was when my mobile rang flashing the name 'wifey' on it.

And that's when it hit me.


This is what I was forgetting.

Today is Austin's first day at kindergarten and this morning Ashima asked me if we would drop him off together and of course I happily agreed but I told her that I'll be back after attending an important meeting and it won't be long and now it totally slipped out of my mind.

"Hey babe" I said extra sweetly, receiving the call.

"Don't 'babe' me Edward. You are running a bit late, aren't you Mr. Husband and I do hope you remember our bet" she replied and I can tell that she's smiling right now which made me smile too but it quickly faded away when I realized about the bet we made this morning.

We made a bet that if I'm late today then I'll be sleeping on the couch for a whole week and if I'm on time then I get whatever I want from her.

But now it seems like I'm gonna lose.

"Yes I do remember it but don't get too happy because I'm already on my way and I won't lose the bet" I said walking out of my cabin waiting for the elevator.

"Too bad we are already on our way to school" she replied.

"Okay I'll see you there and who reachs first will win the bet" I said walking towards my car.

"Okay let's see who wins" and before I could say something else she hung up and I just shook my head smiling as I asked my driver to drive to Austin's school.

I smiled once again thinking how my life has completely changed, no one would have believed few years back that someday I, the typical 'player' guy who wanted nothing to do with marriage and commitments will be like this...a proper family man who would do anything for his little family.

Damn! I myself wouldn't have believed it. 

But yet life has it's own ways of surprising you, when I thought that I wanted nothing else other than my bachelor life that was when Ashima literally came running into me and my life...spilling coffee all over me.

I chuckled reminiscing our first meeting and that 'Oh god! I'm in trouble' look on Ashima's face...I can never forget those moments.

I love her so much...she simply completes me, she has given me the two most wonderful gifts of my life...our two little miracles. She has given me the happiness of being a father.

Austin is four years old now and we can already tell that he doesn't only looks like me but has also got my other words you can say that he's a mini Edward Miller...a mini me and sometimes Ashima keeps complaining about it but I know she does that only to tease me.

But anyways our little guy is still a momma's boy and I guess it'll stay the same way when he grows up too.

And my little sunshine is nine months old now, she was born on 1st december at 2:44 am. We named her Cynthia. Ashima was in labour for like six hours...Cynthia definitely gave her mother a tough time and first we thought that her birth date would be 30th november but you see she was born after midnight so the date changed.

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