Chapter 44: Peace

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Ashima's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and panicked as I remembered what all happened but instantly calmed down feeling someone stroking my hair gently, I know this touch it's Edward of course.

I looked around only to find myself in his room.

I sighed, now I'm relieved.

Soon my eyes landed on him who was sitting beside me with his head leaning back on the headboard of the bed, he still hasn't noticed that I'm awake so I took his hand in mine which was stroking my hair till now as he looked at me and I smiled.

"Hey you are awake, I have been dying to see that smile again I'm so glad you are fine" he said caressing my cheek as I sat up.

"I passed out?" I asked because the last thing I remember is asking him to stay with me.

"Yeah I called the doctor here only he said you just passed out because of stress and all nothing to worry about" he replied as I nodded my head.

"He said that you killed Ava" I said after a moment of silence it's not like I'm doubting him or something but I just wanted to share whatever Gary said with him.

"Don't worry I trust you" I assured him after seeing his worried expression while entwining our fingers.

"I said the same thing to him that I trust you, he got mad and slapp..." I couldn't continue as he interrupted me.

"Shhh I saw it don't remind me about that again" he said caressing my cheek on which he slapped, I think that slap left a mark on my cheek that's why he knows about it.

"It's all still so confusing how is he even connected to Ava and all that, tell me everything" I demanded but he shook his head in denial.

"Not now first you need to eat something and probably take a shower you look terrible" he teased in the end but still I glared at him.

"Just kidding" he chuckled raising his hand up in surrender.

"I'll be back" he added before walking out of the room.

Soon I took a quick shower just to freshen up and after that we had dinner together.

I wanted to talk to him about so many things but I was just too tired so I just went to sleep cuddling him as I was staying at his place tonight.

I was feeling peace in his arms, the peace that I have been craving this entire stressful day.

I woke up the next morning only to find him still sleeping as if he had no worries in the world, he must be really tired too.

I just kept gazing at his gorgeous face thinking that how suddenly I got so lucky to have someone in my life who loves me so much. I kept pushing him away, I kept denying my feelings but he never gave up.

He never gave up on me.

I never thought that I'll love someone the way I love him, never thought that if I'm even capable of loving someone or being loved by someone but life is really unpredictable, it has it's own ways of surprising you. You never know what will happen next...

Suddenly my chain of thoughts was broken by his voice.

"Enjoying staring at me" he asked with a smug on his face.

I didn't even realize when he woke up.

"Of course I'm enjoying after all you are all mine to enjoy" I replied boldly.

"Oh you are getting bold day by day where's my shy Ashima" he asked grinning.

"Your influence, you are corrupting my mind slowly" I replied.

And out of nowhere he stole a kiss from my lips and instantly my cheeks heated up by our closeness, don't know why I get all shy whenever he kisses me.

"See the shy Ashima is just hiding behind the bold one I can bring her out anytime I want" he said laughing as I glared at him.

Still I can't help but smile seeing him laugh.

"What did you do to him that day" I asked to Vihaan bhai (brother) while passing him and Edward their cup of coffee.

Edward just came to meet and spend some time with me at my place after his work and then suddenly Vihaan stopped by too to see if I'm fine because we didn't met after that day though he called me.

It's been few days since that incident and just the day before yesterday Edward told me everything, I was so shocked first because all my life I kept blaming my dad for something he never did, then sad for Vihaan because I can understand his pain, the pain of losing your loved ones.

"Nothing I just beat the shit out of him actually I wanted to kill him but the cops came and arrested him for kidnapping you so unwilling I had to stop beating him" Vihaan's voice pulled me out of my trance, I don't know but there is some kind of pain in his eyes.

I don't understand what it is.

Is he hiding something?

"Oh but now you don't have to worry about killing him because he already killed himself in the jail itself, the cops told me" Edward said as my mouth turned into an o shape.

Another shock.

"Well it's good we don't have to worry about that sick bastard in the future anymore" Vihaan replied coldly, he doesn't looks shocked or surprised by the news like me.

Neither does Edward rather he has a satisfied smirk on his face.


I looked at Vihaan with questioning look but his face was expressionless then I moved my eyes to Edward who just gave me an innocent look.

Now I know that he definitely knows something but I just decided to drop the topic because I know neither of them is going to tell me and most of all I myself didn't even wanted to know.

"Ashi it's time you should meet dad atleast now you know that you were so wrong about him" Vihaan said and I gulped nervously.

I'm feeling so guilty about accusing my dad for something he never did. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for doing that, I don't know if I can face him, if I'm ready to face him.

What will I tell him that yeah dad now I know that you are not a killer that's why I'm back.

Oh god he is never going to forgive me.

Will he even be happy to see me.

Although I want to mend my broken relations with my family but I'm just so nervous to go back to that house, to meet dad.

"I'll be with you" Edward said with a comforting smile squeezing my hand a little showing his support sensing the battle going on inside me that weather I should meet my dad or not.

I just returned a small smile to him.

"Come on Ashi someday you have to face him someday you have to come back and I'm sure he'll be more then happy to see you because I know that he misses you even if he doesn't say it" Vihaan said trying to give me some courage.

As I sighed.

Maybe it's really the time to mend broken relations.


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Bye until next time.

With lots of love.

Crystal :)

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