Chapter 31: Okay I'm jealous

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Edward's POV

The next morning I was working in my office when I got a call from Tony and I received it.

"Sir I have something to tell you although I don't find it suspicious" he said from the other side.

"Just tell me what it is" I replied rolling my eyes.

"It's nothing, just Gary gave miss Mehra a ride back to her place from the airport yesterday evening" he said, it happened yesterday and he's telling me now, he doesn't find it suspicious but I do and after hanging up I called Ashima right away but she didn't received it so I called her again and this time she received it.

"What were you doing with Gary yesterday evening" I asked feeling annoyed that even after I told her to stay away from him, she just won't listen to me.

"That's not your business" she replied.

"Just answer what I have asked Ashima" I said firmly trying to intimidate her feeling angry now.

"I was just not getting a cab so...wait how did you know about all this" she replied and I stayed silent knowing very well that she won't like the answer.

"You have someone following me" she asked or more like stated.

"Uh not you but Gary" I replied knowing she won't let it go until she gets her answers.

"Why" she asked in a surprised voice.

"Because I just want you safe and for that you need to stay away from him" I replied with a defeated sigh "Please just listen to what I say for now" I added.

"No I won't follow your orders...and you know what Gary has invited me to his birthday, first I didn't wanted to go but now I'll go just to prove that I'm not the one who's fears you and follows your orders" she yelled, is she gone mad I'll not let her go anywhere.

"Ashima you'll not go anywhere" I replied firmly.

"And who are you to say that, my mom or my dad" she said.

"I..." I replied but trailed off not knowing what I'm to her, there was silence for few seconds before she hanged up.

God, what did I do in the past to fall in love with the most stubborn women in the world. Okay then it's her life she can do whatever the hell she wants, I don't care.

"But the reality is I do care" I whispered with a sigh covering my face with my palms.

I have to do something I can't let her go alone anywhere with Gary and just then an idea popped in my head and I called Mack because he is Gary's friend.

"Mack do you know where Gary is going to celebrate his birthday today" I asked as soon as he received the call.

"Wait why do you want to know that and I didn't even knew today is his birthday" he replied confused.

"I'll explain all that later for now just ask him where he is going today, it's important" I said pacing around in my office.

"Okay I'll ask him and inform you about it" he replied before hanging up.

And only after few minutes I got a message from Mack with some places address saying that Gary is going there tonight, oh so it's a club...what's he planning to do I swear if he tried to hurt Ashima in any way then I'll make sure he suffers.

Thinking so I called Mack again.

"Will you tell me what's going on" he asked from the other side.

"Another time for now just listen you are coming with me to a club tonight okay so don't be late as usual" I said or more like ordered but I know he won't mind because he knows this is my nature.

"Okay Mr. Miller" he replied and I hanged up.

I'll keep an eye on Gary and in case Ashima watches me then I want her to think that me and her being in the same club is just a coincidence that's why I asked Mack to come with me because I don't want her to think that I'm following her, she'll just get more upset with me.


Ashima's POV

I'm really mad at Edward right now I mean he had hired someone to follow me...okay not me but Gary but whatever it is the reason behind this action of his is me.

And now he is ordering me when he has no right to do so. What does he thinks of himself, I won't let him order me around...I'll show him that I can do whatever I want and he can't stop me, and to show him that I'll go with Gary although I don't want to because I'm already tired.

And just then my phone started ringing and I received it after seeing its from an unknown number.

"Ashima, it's Gary...are you coming today" he asked from the other side...oh so it's him, I wonder how he got my number.

"Yeah I'm coming" I replied unwillingly while remembering my conversation few minutes back with Edward.

"Great so I'll see you tonight" he said and I hanged up with a sigh.

And my thoughts went back to Edward again, why is he doing this to one moment he says that he loves me and I can see it in his eyes but the other moment I get to see him with another girl and now when I'm going with Gary so he is stopping me...I don't understand what he wants, he can go on dates with another girls but now when I'm just hanging out with a friend so he's having problems with it, why.

Why don't you just admit it that you got jealous seeing him with that brown haired girl yesterday and now by going out with Gary you just want to make him feel the same, my subconscious said laughing at me which annoyed me more.

"Okay I admit that I'm jealous" I whispered while covering my face with my palms.


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