Chapter 38 Truth &Marriage 😇😇

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Priyanka points Ranveer... Everyone is stunned...

Tej goes to Ranveer....
Tej -How dare u touch my daughter... He was about to punch him... Arnav stops him...(Angry tone)
Arnav -Dont u dare to touch my brother... How u can blame my brother (Shouting)
Tej -R u blind... Can't u see (Angry tone)
Arnav -Wht if ur daughter intentionally done this...
Tej -Y will she... She is tej Singh Oberois daughter
Khushi -Wht r u saying Arnav... How can u blame my sister...

Shivika n Rumya was silent...
Arnav -Y not u guys r gud at trapping others...
Jhnavi -Dont u dare to say against my arnav Singh Raizada... I will forget u r damad of this house

Arnav -I don't care... But don't u dare raise voice against my brother...
Jhanvi -He is the one.... N goes towards Ranveer n holds his collar...
Jhanvi -Dont u forget even u have a sister
Ranveer (angry) -Dont u dare to say against her... How u guys trapped her for marriage... U Oberoi's r always crook....n ur daughter is no else...
Jhnavi raises her hand to slap ranveer.. Anika holds her hand
Jhanvi -How could u support ur brother... U r bahu of this house

Anika -First I m sister of Ranveer n arnav then I m wife of Shivaye... Then I m bahu of this house

Jhanvi was startled by her answer...
Anika slapped Ranveer... Priyanka smirked... Shivaye notices

Everyone was shocked...
Ranveer gets startled..

Tej -Oh wow Mr ranveer Singh Raizada... Ur sister also knows u r wrong...

Ranveer moves backward..

Anika -Mr. Tej Singh Oberoi... Who tld u my brother was wrong...

Ranveer hear this... He stops

Tej -Then y did u slapped him
Anika -For falling in priyankas trap...
Ranveer -Anu u believe me
Anika -Ofcourse more than myself...

He hugs her

Arnav -this slap was necessary for ur stupidity
Tej -Wht the heck is going on... Shivaye y r u silent

Khanna comes n shows the video to Shivaye... N at Tht time... Arnav's security brings the video...
Shivaye slaps Priyanka.... Priyanka falls down
Anika comes n gives slap to her

Anika -U showed priyanka u r an Oberoi
Khushi -Wht r u saying how u can blame my sister...
Anika showed her video....
She gets startled n phone falls down...
Anika -U proved u r an Oberoi
Arnav -Mr n Mrs Oberoi... Have a look at this video...

Dadi snatched video from shivaye... Ishkara n Rumya too see.... Everyone was shocked ....

Video Content

Ranveer comes in a room... Priyankas hand was bleeding...

Ranveer -Wht have u done priyanka... He checks her hands ....n touches the blood he gets shocked...

Priyanka -Got shocked
Ranveer -Y r u doing this... Wht r u upto

Priyanka rubs off the red color....
Priyanka smirks.... Ranveer gets angry

Ranveer -U Oberoi's r always this... Whts ur problem... Y r u doing this u
Priyanka (Angry) - U want to know
Ranveer (shouting) -Yes
Priyanka -I love u... N u rejected me
Ranveer -Bcz I consider u as my friend n I love swara

Priyanka laughs...-Today u will lose ur love
Ranveer -Wht the heck ...he started to go

Priyanka -Anika arnav Ishana n soumya too will loose her love
Ranveer stays still
Ranveer -Y
Priyanka -Because u rejected me (shouting) n ur sister Anika I hate her... She
Ranveer -Dont u dare to utter a word... Y r u trying to snatch their love

Priyanka tears her blouse sleeves... Ranveer gets shocked

Ranveer (hestitates) - Wht r u doing

Priyanka smirks... N she tears more parts of saress n intentionally pierces her nails into her bare skin....

Priyanka -Now wait n watch.
Ranveer -No

She spoils her hairstyle... Makeup Brokes her bangles n cries

Priyanka -Help me... Help

She pushes ranveer n runs towards mandap

Video ends...

Arnav -Now Wht u want to say Mr tej Singh Oberoi
Pinky -I never expected this from you Prinku
Shakti -How can u fall so low...
Priyanka -This video is fake... Raizadas r trapping me
Om-Enough priyanka... Wht did u gain
Shivaye -I never thought my sister will ever do like this... How u can fall so low

Rudra slaps her
Shivaye pulls rudra back... Rudra was very angry

Rudra -how can u... U tried to broke my marriage with Soumya... U tried to snatch Anika bhabhi from Shivaye bhaiya ..arnav jiju from khushi Di... N om's love too.... How u can be too cruel... In love u have to sacrifice not to snatch...

Priyanka -Bhaiya I m sorry.... But pls
Shivaye -Bas (Shouts)
Rudra -Today I disown u as my sister... Don't ever talk to me...

Priyanka lies down... N cries... Shivaye makes rudra sits in mandap

Anika (in mind)
Y didn't shivaye trusted priyanka... He trusted me ... He didn't supported priyanka. ..she was confused

Shivaye notices her (in mind)
I know wht u r thinking... We all talk about it later...

Dadi -Priyanka go from here... Let's complete Rumya marriage....

Rumya marriage complete wasn't allowed... Anika stopped...
Soumya completes ghar pravesh rituals..

Precap -Planning

Don't know guys when I will post next part... Busy with exams... I m sorry... I have posted 3 Chapters today only 😁😁😁

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