Chapter 62 Shivika?? 😭😭

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Shivaay -Shhh Rona band karo...
Anika -Shivaay Bcz of me aru lost mallika Di... The death trap was for me....
She starts crying uncontrollably...
Shivaay hugs her tightly n calms her down... By rubbing his hands on her back... Anika calms downs slowly...

Anika pushes him...
Shivaay -??
Anika turns around n goes to the pool near her room... Shivaay was totally confused...
Anika stands near the pool... Staring in water... Lost in thoughts... Her tears were falling continously

Shivaay holds her arms... N turns her around...
Shivaay -Anika
Anika was lost in thoughts..
Shivaay -Anika... (shouts)
Anika -Ha kya hua...
She sees shivaay holding her arms... She tries to free herself... Shivaay tightens his grip

Anika -Leave me Shivaay... I don't want to talk to u
Shivaay -Y... Y u always want to make a big deal... Now Wht's the issue...
Anika pushes him away... N claps in front of me

Anika -Big deal (Sarcastic way)
Shivaay -I didn't mean it
Anika -Wht u want to say Shivaay Singh Oberoi....

Shivaay -Anika kya hogaya tumko
Anika -Merko kya hua... He sahi kaha... Maina bhaut badi galati Kar di... Tumsai pyaar Karkai... Tumsai shaddi Karkai... Apnai bhai kai khilaf jakai... Yeh sab meri galati.... She was continously crying while saying

Shivaay was stunned

Shivaay tries to touch her.. Anika jerks him away...

Anika -u said big deal... Do u know how the world changes when u lost ur parents... Do u know about it... How will u know.. The great Shivaay Singh Oberoi

Shivaay was silent
Anika -Ill tell u... U had ur mother to care when u were sick... Wht about me arnav n veer... We had no one n we took care of each other.... U had motherly love... Wht about us... Wht about us Shivaay 😭😭😭 ... U had ur mother to feed u... N Wht about us...when every other children were happily spending their moments with their parents... We were left out... We had tears... We missed every moment with our parents...playing... Joking around n forcefully feeding...staying around... Protecting us... Being possessive... Scolding us... We lost everything just Bcz of ur family... We lost our dad... On our graduation days we missed our parents... But u had them... U had everyone... We lost our parents n chachi n chacha too... My brothers were there for me n for them me... So for me my brother will be priority.... N Bcz of ur family... My brothers love was snatched... How will u repay us?? How will u... Can u give back our time... Can u give our parents back... U know wht being a girl... When I had menstrual pain... My brothers took care for me... They took care like a mom... They feed me n I feed them... They scolded me... I scolded them... We play around...My brothers r my life... My brothers... I m sorry arnav... I should have listened to u... I can give my life to u but I won't against my brother...

She falls on her knees n cries...
Shivaay had tears in his eyes...
Shivaay bends down...
Shivaay -Anika...
She looks at him...
He hugs her.... Shivaay was continously crying on his chest.... Shivaay picks her up in bridal style... Anika don't reacts...
He lays her down on bed....
Shivaay -Anika so jao

Anika -Nhi Shivaay... I want to talk
Shivaay -Anika
Anika -nhi Shivaay... I will be frank...
Shivaay -Anika ...just take rest
Anika -Nhi Shivaay listen to me...
She holds his hands...
Anika -Shivaay I will take revenge from ur parents... I don't know how but I will take it by any means... They have to suffer
Shivaay was taken aback

Shivaay-Anika Wht r u saying... They r my parents
Anika -As if I don't know... Anika leaves his hands...
Anika -I m asking u straight... Will u stand with me... Or not... N Shivaay don't think if u said yes n u ditch me... Don't u dare then I will hurt ur brothers

Shivaay -Anika don't u dare... Anika whtever my parents have done they r still my parents... U know the value of parents then how can u expect me to hurt them Anika...

Anika -Ha well said Shivaay... Ur parents are the reason of my parents death...

Shivaay -Its past ...just forget it

Anika -So now it will be future for revenge
Shivaay -Anika don't u dare to hurt my family
Anika -I will Shivaay Singh Oberoi... Do whtever u can
Shivaay -I will do everything to protect my family even they r wrong
Anika -Y the hell u promised my brother...

Shivaay was silent...
Anika -U r liar... U r fake... Just go from here... Just get out from my house...

Shivaay -Anika just listen to me... Forget the past...

Anika Do sth with her pendon...

Anika -I need divorce shivaay
Shivaay -Anika Wht r u saying... Have u gone nuts... Wht r u talking... U cant apply for divorce

Shivaay smirks...

Anika -Shit...
Shivaay -We have not completed six months yet..

Anika -Whtever Shivaay... After six months I will apply for it..

A knock is heard...
Shivaay goes n opens the door..
Shivaay -Ha ranveer kya hua...
Ranveer ignores him...
Ranveer sees anika eyes were bloodshot... Her cheeks were puffy due to crying... She was tired... Ranveer goes n hugs him..

Ranveer -Have u gone crazy Anika... U should not cry too much... It will have adverse impact on ur health...

Anika -I m sorry veer... I took a decision... I won't stay with shivaay..
I will take revenge from his family

Ranveer -I m with u
Shivaay -Wht happened to u guys... U love Priyanka then how u can hurt her by going against her family...

Ranveer -Anika is madly in love with u then also she is going against ur family ... She is ur wife but before that she was our sister n before all tht she was brought to this world by our parents... She was the daughter first..

Shivaay -Ranveer u elder... Anika is immature... Y r u being childish... Just forget the past n move on... U cant Di anything...

Ranveer -Wht u want to say... U know being in contact with Oberoi's our life will be in danger... Then y u want us to give u a chance... U know our sufferings... No Shivaay u don't know... Anika Ishana n soumya were like our kids... We were father figure for them... Most of the time... I was there bhai was busy in handling business n u know at very young age anika was matured she was a mother figure to soumya n Ishana... Tht is the reason they won't go against her... If they go against... They will go to any extent for her forgiveness...

Anika -Shivaay just go from here... We r over...

Shivaay was shocked... Soon he composed himself...

Shivaay -Fine anika...

Shivika separates. Srry guys....

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