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I felt like updating again so yeah...
Here you go hahaha!

'Rise and shine!,' a familiar voice sings and he hits on the cell door. I open my eyes and look up to see him standing there in a light jeans and a normal black T-shirt. 'It's morning, let's go get you something to eat.'

Days have passed, maybe even weeks. I wouldn't know. I haven't seen day light for a while.

I rub my eyes and stand up slowly, because I am weak. He looks at me and I look down.

'How is your hand? Does it still hurts?'


Not as much as the thought of you sleeping in the same bed as her. He takes my hand in his for the first time ever and a tingling sensation goes through my hole body. Sparks fly everywhere as he lets go of my hand it all stops. I didn't want it to end.

'Let's go and eat,' he says unlocking my handcuffs.

I thought he wanted to see me suffer.

'Today I want to see how strong you are,' he says as we walk up the stairs. I put my hands in front of my eyes to block myself from the sun, but it doesn't really help. It is painful to my eyes to see the sun after so many days.

He walks next to me not saying anything. He leads me to a big building or house and I stand still to take it all in. It is a huge, white mansion and it is incredible to look at.

'Keep walking,' he says annoyed. I run towards him and he opens the door and walks in first with me right behind him. There is a big hall with flowers everywhere and I try to sniff some of them while following the Alpha to the end of the hall. He opens a double glass door and everyone stares at me and stops talking.

'Everyone, this is Angel. She will be joining us for breakfast. No one talks to her or asks questions. Only me. Understood?'

'Yes Alpha!,' they all say in one shout.

He walks and nods for me to follow him. He shows me a seat two chairs away from his and I sit there. Not long after his "girl" walks in and sits on the chair where the Luna should sit on his left with me next to her. She looks at me as if I am a decease and moves her chair more to the Alpha. I just stare at my plate.

Everyone start to eat, but I don't eat anything. I don't take anything and I know it annoys the crap out of him.

'Why can't you just eat?,' he asks pissed hitting the table with both his hands causing everyone to stop eating and look at me and him. Him hitting the table made the hole table shake and it was on the urge of breaking.

'Because I am a rogue. First of all I am not suppose to be eating at the same table with you and your leaders and second of all I am sure that if I take a piece of bread none of your precious wolves will take another piece,' I say without looking at him.

'Fine, what would you like to eat, Angel?,' he asks pissed.

'Whatever you give me to eat,' I say softly.

'Cindy, hand me her plate,' the Alpha says.

'Excuse me?'

'Give me her fucking plate, Cindy!'

The beautiful blond girl gives him my plate making sure she doesn't touch me and he starts filling it with bread, meat and fruits. He stands up from his seat everyone's eyes following him and he places the plate in front of me while hanging over me. His necklace with a wolf's head on it hanging infront of my face.

'Now you eat, before I stuff it down your throat.'

He sits back and everyone looks at me. I don't make a move.

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