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Alpha Jim walked before me. We decided to walk until I couldn't anymore. He would shift then and carry be the rest of the way. He climbed in front of me and two other warriors were behind me. No one says a word and it is starting to get on my nerves. I hate it when it is too quiet for a long while. It makes me thing of the times back home, when I had no one to talk to. Sometimes it isn't the time to be quiet, but what am I suppose to say to the man my mother ones loved deeply.

'I don't want to butt in, but why aren't you and Alpha Luke on good terms?,' I ask and the Alpha doesn't answer. I don't mind. I can get the answer from Luke easily, but I need something to talk about. Not that he wants to talk or the two other males for that matter.

'Let's just say I wasn't on good terms with his father and he thinks I have something to do with his death,' Alpha Jim says without turning around.

'But Luke knows it wasn't you. Unless you are mates with my father which I doubt,' I tell him and he stops walking. He turns around and looks at me, his eyes darkening.

'Your father killed her father? Why would he do that?,' he asks shaking his head. His eyes turn back to the Navy green they always are.

'I have no idea, but I am trying to find out.'

It is quiet again and now I don't know if i should tell him. Does he even know how she died?

'Did you ever find your mate?,' I ask and he growls lowly.

'You ask a lot of questions, Luna Angel,' he says lowly.

'I am sorry. I can't stand silence. It makes me remember all the bad things my father did to me and to anyone I love.'

'What do you mean?'

'He made my boyfriend disappear, he killed my best friend just because he found out I was alive, he killed my grandfather and he killed my mother...'

Alpha Jim stops walking and suddenly in one movement he hits a tree. Did he even know? Maybe he expected it, but it never was confirmed. His hand starts bleeding and he growls lowly as the two males take a stand in front of me. I look at them in shock and move forward.

The alpha is standing still, breathing heavy with his back turned to us and I stand still in shock when I see one drop, just one drop, one tear fall on the ground beneath his feet.

'Alpha, you okay?,' one of the male asks.

'I am fine, let's just continue,' he says with a deadly voice and continues walking again, but I stand still. The three males turn around and face me.

'You have to promise me something, Alpha jim,' I say looking at the moist ground beneath my feet.

'What is that?,' he asks a bit confused.

'That you won't kill my father if you cross paths with him,' I say now looking him straight in the eyes. I mean what I am saying.

'Then you better find him first, Luna,' he growls lowly.

'I am just trying to protect you, Alpha. My father is a rogue. He doesn't work with rules. If you attack him, you will loose. He won't give you a fair fight. He is never fair,' I tell him.

The all look at me like I am insane.

'What are you saying?,' one or the males asks.

'Do you really think he killed my grandfather all by himself? It was never wolf on wolf or man to man. They're more people involved and I intend to find out who. You kill him before I get the chance to find out and I will make sure you suffer.'

Alpha Jim and the two males start to laugh and I smile at them causing them to frown.

'There is a lot you do not know,' I say.

Lost MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ