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By the time we reach the border it is almost one in the afternoon and nerves set in.

When we cross the border they both go and shift and put some cloths on.

We make our way into the humans territory, into their camp, and just hide in the woods.

'So what's the plan?,' Jim asks.

'Wait here,' Arthur says.

He takes off running and suddenly just blends in with the crowd.

'I don't trust him,' Alpha Jim now says his eyes pitch black.

'Well... We don't really have a choice now do we. But I know for a fact he would never join the side of my father. So he is either on our side or just against my father,' I tell the Alpha.

'Or he is just on your side. I don't believe the hole I found my mate bullshit he has been saying,' Jim says.
We wait and wait and it feels like forever.

Arthur comes back with two coats and two liquids.

'Drink this. It will hide your smell and this to make sure no one recognizes you.'

We hesitate, but do as he says.

'Wait... You guys can't come with me. I don't know how to control my powers yet. What if I take you guys down with them?'

They look at each other and nod slowly.

'Be careful,' they both say at the same time and I nod and start walking.

I make my way in the crowd when everyone suddenly gathers around a stage.

I smile. They sure are making this easy for me.

'Tonight we will attack. This time no one is left alive! We won't back down! We will fight for our master. He promised us victory. He promised us the land we will conquer! No more hiding in the shadows, no more living between these filthy weak beings. We will fight and win in the power of darkness!! The moon has turned her back on us and we will win their land for darkness is upon us and we will dwell in it!,' a male yells and everyone starts cheering.

I start laughing dangerously and loud and everyone's eyes are on me.

'Who are you?,' the male asks as I start walking forwards. Everyone steps aside.

With one jump I am on the stage and I look up. When the male sees my eyes he swallows hard.

'Moon Touched,' is all he says.

'No, no, no. Cursed by the Moon. The Moon send me to end it all and that is exactly what I am going to do!,' I say.

I focus on my energy.
When nothing happens, he starts to laugh louder than I did and everyone with him.

He grabs my neck and starts choking me.

'Who are you?'

Everything inside of me starts burning, like hot water on the stove. Heat forming inside of me ready to explode.

'I asked... Who are you?,' he growls.

'Your worst nightmare!,' I growl and let everything explode outside of me.

All the wolves start to get seizures. They fall on the ground and move around. Their body shaking, white stuff coming out of their mouths, then blood. The satisfaction inside of me is dangerous. The lust of death is too powerful for me to handle.

Even though most of them are death I keep letting my anger go. The tents start catching fire and the sky becomes dark and dangerous. Thunder is heard in the sky. Lightening is flying through the air.

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