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I am ready. Ready to meet destiny.
Ready to meet Mona and mom.
Ready to meet fate.

Breathing seems impossible. It's like every time my body makes me gasp for air that my lungs clench together causing a dizziness to take over from me. Everything seems blurry and I can barely hear what everyone is saying, but his eyes, his perfect grey eyes say it all.

I am dying and he knows it.

My body longs for him, craves for his touch and no matter how much I want to feel his touch I don't. I see him holding my hands, but I can't feel a thing.

He looks at me and says I love you, but I can only hear it far away as if I am moving away on a train and he is screaming it so I can still hear it.

I can feel my heartbeat in my throat and it is more painful than any whip on the planet.

I don't get it. Why do I need to die? Why is she taking my life away from me? Didn't I do it? Didn't I kill my father and fulfill destiny.

My wolf is in hiding. Not gone, she won't leave me again, she promised. But she is laying down with her tail in front of her face hoping for a miracle. Hoping so she can feel his touch and taste his lips and feel his manhood, our male. She has never felt what he is like and it is eating at her.

He repeats the words as I feel myself get tired. All I hear is people screaming, but it is all faint. Maria doing cpr trying to keep me alive or at least try to keep me from dying.

Because the female I am, the person I am has died a long time ago. The moment the Moon choose me, I lost everything I was, everything I looked up to.

My mate's eyes are locked on mine until I can no longer open my eyes.

I always thought it would be more painful, dying.

I thought that it wouldn't be this obvious. That I wouldn't feel it. I thought that dying just happened, but now I know that it is worse than you think. Your body giving out while your soul begs for freedom, for life.

I can feel a tear escape from my eyes and then my soul is ripped out of my body.

I can see them all. Crying.

Even Jim.

But my eyes are locked on him.

My mate.
My everything.
The one who thought me about love.
The one who captured my soul.
I want to go back to him.
I need too back, but the force is keeping me up here.
Pulling me with them, towards the Moon in the sky.

I see her. My mom. She is smiling like she always did, but now there is no fear behind it anymore.

I reach for her hand, but suddenly I can't​ move.

A bright light appears in front of me and a strong female voice like thunder.

'You have done well my chosen one,' she says and with that she disappears.

My mom laughs and holds out her hand again. I take it this time and she brings me to a white house. everything is white even the trees and flowers.

She carries me inside of her house and make me stand in front of the mirror.

I look at myself in shock.

Blond almost white hair.
Light blue eyes like the Moon and the sea mixed together.
My skin is so pale that it seems like it is white.

This is not me.

'You are her,' she tells me.

'Her? I don't understand mom,' I say very much confused by the reflection in the mirror.

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