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The universe is full of questions. Big questions. Strange questions. Wondrous, marvelous, magical questions that don't have easy answers.

Who are we? Where do we come from? How did it all begin? Is there such a thing as destiny? Why is there never anything to watch on TV even though we have over 200 channels, did ancient aliens really build the pyramids and why did the chicken cross the road?

Well, that's what this story is about and by the end of it, you will believe it all. (Perhaps not the thing about the aliens.)

Because there's just no other possible explanation. How could two people like Marcus and Stormy-Rain have come together?

And who, are Marcus and Stormy-Rain?

Why, they are contradictions. Black and white. Night and day. Polar opposites who were brought together on a freakish collision course, in the strangest of ways, in the strangest of places and at the strangest of times (there's a lot of strange in there – but you'll soon see why).

Yes, this is a story about fate. About inexplicable happenings and coincidences. About weird timings and uncanny events. This is a story about how the universe works in mysterious ways.

Very, very mysterious ways...

P.S. We'll probably never know why the chicken crossed the road, but we'll deal with that another time. 

AFTER THE RAIN (Bonus edition)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz