Yup, still together...

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"Oh. My. Actual. God! This is the worst idea you've ever had in your entire life, and I've know you for many years, and over those years, you've had some pretty bad, bordering on terrible, bad, bad ones—"

"Wait..." Stormy was trying to interject, but the bulldozer was carrying right on.

"—I mean, this is right up there with the time you decided to dress only in yellow for a whole year."

"It goes with my skin tone—"

"SSHHH!" The bulldozer put her hand up in the air, "I'm not finished, it's even worse than the time you decided to run off and join the circus, and we know how that ended. You came running back a few hours later."

"I don't like seeing animals in captivity." Stormy said. She did not. In fact, truth be told, she'd had to run away after releasing one of the monkeys. It hadn't gone down too well.

"NO! This is terrible." A very pregnant, bordering on about to explode forth a baby, Lilly finally finished her bulldozer tirade and then tried to seat her very uncomfortable self down on a log.

 "Okay, Okay. Now that I've heard your opinion..." Stormy turned her attention away from Lilly and onto Damien. Surly Damien would see the genius in this plan. After all, he was a Mr. Spontaneous-ness-ness. He would definitely understand.

"And you Damien?" Stormy shot Lilly an I-told-you-so-Iook, but it was clearly presumptions because...

"Nah! Gotta agree with Lilly on this one. It's terrible."

 Stormy couldn't believe that no one was seeing the beauty and brilliance of this idea. She turned her attention to Marcus' little sister, Cadence, who she'd gotten to know well over the last year and absolutely adored.

Cadence simply shook her head. "My brother is going to flip, and sooo not in a good way!"

"But you're always saying that stuff... YOLO. Isn't this a YOLO moment?"

She turned to Cadence and battered her blue eyelashes.

"This is more of a WTF moment Stormy."

Stormy was growing desperate now and she turned her attention to the priest, that she'd booked over the internet only yesterday. (Yes, she'd learnt how to use the Google machine)

"Don't look at me." he said. "I have no idea who you people are. And quite frankly, I'm starting to think that you're all a bit—"

"Shush you." Stormy hushed him quickly.

She sighed to herself. How was it that no one saw the sheer genius of this idea? It was a case of killing two pigeons with one rock! It also took out all that tedious planning, circumvented all the crap, frilly bits and boobs and unnecessary talk of drapery and went straight into the main course. It was direct! Straightforward and to the point.

The plan....

She would propose to Marcus today, and then surprise him, when the proposal turned into an improv wedding. Right now! It was such perfect timing. They were all on vacation together at Damien's beach house (tropical palace paradise) and it seemed like such a great idea. They were all getting on like an apartment on fire. So it would be perfect! Meaningful. Something special to remember forever. Small. Intimate and quick.

"So, pray tell me, all of you doubting Tammy's, why is this such a terrible idea?" She put her hands on her hips defiantly, in her signature pose.

But they all jumped in at once and Stormy was forced to suddenly put her hands over her ears to muffle out the loud, offensive sound.

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