Final thoughts.

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Hi everyone

Firslty, always thanks for reading and supporting, it's great to have so many enthusiastic fans. A question; I am thinking of self publishing this book. I would add more to it though so it is not exactaly the same book. It would also be better written, edited and polished. I would probably make their journey an extra day- so more chapters there. I may add some epilogues too. I would probably also want to get some cute pictures drawn, like when they talk of the Tarot cards etc, there might be a small drawing there- and also of the star signs etc- you get the idea. Also thinking of additional extra's like a Stomry to English dictionary, with all her words and phrases in. Stuff like that. 

My question is, would you guys buy it? I know you've all read it, but I would really try and add some cool extra stuff to it. I have to start making money as an author at some point- if I am going to be able to carry on writing books full time and posting books to Wattpad. So I think it's time I tried self publishing and I thought this might be a good book to do it with. And obviously it would really help if I had the support of some of you guys, buying my stuff. 

I would love to hear your thoughts. 

AND- please all join me on Facebook, and Twitter (although I am a shitty Tweeter) but my Facebook link is in my profile- I want to try get that going as another place we can all chat and I will gave giveaways etc there. 

Thanks again for all the support. 


OH and P.S- I finished another book Zara's Safari, it had not got as many reads as my others, so trying to figure out if it is not as appealing as some of the others, or people just havn't gotten around to reading it yet So check it out, and let me know what you think. Remember- I LOVE feedback. Honest feedback. 

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