4. Blocked chakra alert!

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"The emergency exits are being pointed out to you now, and in the case of an emergency, floor lights will illuminate your way to the nearest exit."

The pretty airhostess was giving the usual demonstration, but Marcus had seen it so many times before that he was already reading his newspaper. Once again, though, he was interrupted by guess-who. She had pulled the newspaper down and was staring at him with wide, frightened (and rather startling green) eyes.

"What if the lights don't come on and we can't find our way to the exit, then what?" she whispered fearfully.

"It's a plane, a cylinder," Marcus answered dryly. "There are only two possible directions – that way," he pointed up the aisle, "and that way," he pointed down. "Trust me, you won't get lost on the way to the emergency exit, it's impossible."

Stormy nodded and looked satisfied with his answer, so he raised his paper again, only to see the small white hand reappear moments later.

"But what if the emergency doors get jammed, because we crash into snow, like those people did on the Andes? Lilly told me about this program she watched and they had to eat each other to stay alive. Raw." Stormy shuddered dramatically.

Marcus found himself blinking rapidly again – it seemed to be the involuntary reaction he had to her outlandish statements, a combination of shock and confusion as he found himself at a loss for words. He was never lost for words. For God's sakes, he delivered arguments to courtrooms full of people, and now he was struggling to find a reply to this ridiculous rainbow-haired woman? She had a strange effect on him. It was as if her mere presence caused the part of his brain that offered up logical rebuttals to go on sabbatical.

"Um..." He was still searching for the words – he would have taken any words at this stage. "Um... I... I'm sure we won't have to eat each other," he offered lamely.

"Goddess, I hope not. I'm a strict vegan."

"I'm sure you are," Marcus was unable to hide the amusement in his tone. Of course she was a vegan – she probably campaigned for the rights of organic vegetables, trees and other foliage too... a little like his parents. Not a thought he wanted to entertain for too long.

"What's that?" Stormy jumped as the plane started moving, once again snatching Marcus's hand without his permission. This handholding thing of hers was becoming a bit of a bad habit he needed to break. This was going to be the most torturous few hours of his life. In fact, right now, he would rather be watching the entire Twilight trilogy with a room full of teenage girls than sitting on a plane next to Stormy-Rain.

"It's just the plane moving," he replied impatiently, trying to free his hand from her surprisingly strong grip. But as soon as he tried to pull away, her fingers tightened like a vice around his.

"Does it have to go so fast?" Stormy sounded frantic now.

"Yes, it needs to gain enough momentum to launch itself into the air. Have you ever flown before?" Marcus asked.

Stormy nodded, and with her free hand, started twirling some hair around her finger. "But I don't really remember all the specifics. I was on drugs."

Marcus stared at her, shocked. Firstly, who the hell admitted that kind of thing to a stranger? Secondly, he did not approve of drugs at all.

"You don't have any illicit substances on you now, do you?" he whispered urgently, looking around to make sure none of the crew or passengers had overheard. "Because its illegal. You could be arrested for that, you know."

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