2: School and Awkwardness

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"And that's Mr. Riley, who, by the way, is your class for today," Holly ended the school tour with a yawn. "Can I leave now?" Holly asked with a bland expression.

"Yeah!" I said, squeezing the books to my chest tighter. "Of course!"

She walked away, not even looking back to check up on me.

I looked at the terrifying door where a class full of strangers wait for me. "You'll be okay, Lucas," I whispered to myself, taking deep breaths. I straightened my clothes, checked my hair on my phone and proceeded to open the door.

When I walked forward, I slammed into the door face-first. A sudden ache bursted on my cheek as the door rattled loudly. Pull, not push! read the mini-poster outside the door.

I rubbed my cheek and opened the door. . . again.

The room went silent when they saw me walk in, staring at me like preys ready to hunt their predator. I could feel their eyes eating me alive as I handed the note from the principal to the teacher. I'm not a fan of attention so I was basically dying in front of them from embarrassment.

"New student, huh?" Mr. Riley said, handing me back the note.

I nodded, looking down at the white tiles.

"Ok, everyone, this is Lucas Portman," Mr. Riley announced to the class. Everyone seemed uninterested, even the kid on front of me just poked his nose like it was way interesting than me—or was it?

"Sit over there," Mr. Riley mentioned, pointing at an empty desk at the very back of the last row. I walked to it and sat quietly. The bell rang just when I sat down. I stood up seconds after sitting down, internally laughing at the fool I was making of myself.

Next period: P. E.

When I stepped into P. E., the coach told me to change right away even though it was my first day. Thankfully, I had brought some athletic clothes because it said on the material's list, after all.

I head to the boy's locker room where all the boys were already changing. Butts were seen all around unapologetically and even some penises. Why though? Don't they have an underwear? They probably want to brag their non-existent dicks.

I waited until everyone was out and began to change.

"Run eight laps! Now!" the coach shouted to the class.

The laps were tiring, but there were two boys that weren't tired at all. "Are you wondering how they can keep on running like that?" a boy popped on my right.

"How do you know?" I wondered, breathing in loudly.

"Well, you would stare at them with a face I proudly baptized as: what the fuck face," the boy said, grinning. He was the same height as me, but with dark hair, hazel eyes and white skin.

I chuckled, knowing how awkward I'm being on my first day.

"Those are Rick and Noah," he said with a smile, nodding at them.

"Oh," I simply answered.

"And I'm Chris," Chris said, handing me his hand.

"Lucas," I said, shaking his hand while running.

"You two faggots!" The coach yelled, watching us. "Instead of holding hands, run!"

Who hurt this coach so much?

Chris and I ran faster until the laps ended and the coach announced free time. My legs felt weak and jelly-like, shaking as I remained standing. The two of us began playing volleyball as most of the students were playing basketball.

Apparently, Chris was on the same grade as mine — 10th grade. He has lived here all his life and was pretty much a loner, which I am guessing is what brought him to me. Either way, I was glad that I had met someone new in this class that I can hang out with.

The coach blew the whistle and everyone jogged back to the locker rooms. I walked in and headed to the sink to look at the mirror. Sweat hanged from my hair, begging to drop to the floor.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my waist and slammed me on the wall.

It was the Rick guy.

"What do you want?" I asked, grunting as he held me there.

"Your ass," he replied with a wink.

What kind of weirdos does this school have?

"Get off me!" I yelled at him.

I pushed him away and left the locker room in anger, hearing the laughs behind me. I ran out to the hallway and accidentally slammed to someone. What's wrong with me and my slams! I mentally told myself, toppling down.

I had fallen on top of someone since whatever was underneath me was soft yet hard at the same time. I could feel the chest under me, all muscle. Quite frankly, it took me all my strength to not lay my head down on his chest and fall asleep.

"Uhm. . . Are you okay?"

I lifted my head and caught his light-ocean eyes looking at me. Blond hair rained over his forehead.

My face was beginning heat up.

"So?" he said awkwardly, keeping his hands in the air while waiting for me to get off him.

That's when I realized I was still on top of him, comfortable resting over his well-built body. I stood up in a second and helped him up, like he even needed the strength of my weak arms. "Sorry," I apologized, scratching the back of my head.

"It's fine. Watch out next time, though," he told me. With a smile, he turned around and left with a group of varsity athletes wearing black letterman jackets and cheerleaders with short skirts that revealed a little too much.

He's so pleasing to look at. . . and so tall! His awkward smile, his well-defined muscles, his tough chest, his hair, his face. . . Everything about him was captivating.


I updated!!!
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