13: Back To Normal!

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THE WAY BACK to Lakeville was quiet. By quiet I specifically mean me. Holly tried to bring my humor up with her funny stories, but it seemed to not work. When Jason passed by me, he just looked at me with disgust. My pain was unable to explain cause I've never felt anything like this before. It was awful!

At home, my parents had made a little surprise with some family members to welcome me back. It was their first time being without me for this long. There was a cake and many kinds of food. "Thanks," I said to all of them. I tried to look happy, and I think I succeeded cause no one ever asked me if there was anything wrong. After playing with my cousins and my family left, I went to bed.

All I could think about was how stupid I was for kissing Dylan twice. What kind of boyfriend does that?! My inside voice said. I grabbed my pillow and covered my face in anger and embarrassment. I did wrong, but I realized it too late. The one person that truly cared for me and never left my side was now mad and probably wishing I was dead. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I yelled in my mind as I slapped my face hard with the pillow.

Knock, knock!

Someone knocked on my door and I said, "Come in!" My mom peeked and then sat next to me in bed. Her dark hair and glasses felt familiar to me when I looked at her. It reminded me of home for some weird reason. "What's wrong with you, huh?" She asked nicely. "Nothing. Why asking?" I lied. "I know there's something wrong, baby," she said. A tear fell off my right eye. She looked at it and said, "Tell me."

"He doesn't want me," I said as my lips quivered cause I wanted to cry.

"Who?" She asked.

"Jason," I answered.

"Everything is going to be alright, sweetie!" She said as she hugged me tight.

I began crying in her chest.

A Week Later...

Jason wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. He ignored me. Every time he would pass by I would try to speak to him, but I was afraid. I was afraid that he would hurt me or that I'll hurt his feelings. I hated it!

"Hey, are you going to the football game?" Holly asked me when we were in the cafeteria.

"Football game?" I asked her.

"It's football season. C'mon! You didn't know this?!" She said.

"Nope," I confirmed.

"Well, now you know so will you come?" She kept asking.

"He'll be there," I said.

"And? You're coming with me, not to be with him," she said.

"Ok, fine! I'll go!" I said sarcastically.

"Yasss!" Holly yelled as she hugged me.

After school, I was heading outside the main door when someone yelled my name. It was Jason! I looked behind me and he was running towards me. When he reached me, he said, "I wanted to speak to you for a moment." My guts tighten by the sound of his voice. God, I missed him so damn much! "Yeah! Sure!" I said, smiling widely. "Ok. So Holly —" he was suddenly interrupted by Celine. "Jason! We need to talk," she said as she threw her blond hair behind her. "Can't you see I'm talking with Lucas," Jason said annoyed. "It won't take long," she continued.

They left not far from me and I could see her showing him a picture on her phone. His face froze and she began telling him something. "Huh?" I said to myself. Jason came back to me and said, "Sorry, I have to go." And he left. My moment with Jason was gone. I wanted to grab Celine's blonde hair and smash her face on the wall. But I ended leaving home too.


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Also, this book is near its end :(

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