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Monday rolled around pretty quickly. Everyone who attended the party had sore heads for the whole weekend.

Harry walked into the class room sitting down at the table. He didn't have any books because he had the whole day off timetable. They'd asked if they could visit the town Miss Spindle and Mr Jones said it was fine so they were going to head out early.

"Morning you" Perrie said as she sat down. "Morning sunshine" Harry replied "is your head sore?" he asked. The purple haired girl nodded. "Yeah throbbing, yours must be mental". Harry nodded.

"Do you even remember friday?" she asked raising an eyebrow. The curly haired boy nodded "well yeah, but I think I dreamt some of it". Perrie tilted her head back and laughed. "You didn't dream it" Harry widened his eyes "how did you know-". He was cut off by Luke.

"Ready?" he said sitting down at a chair. They both nodded. "Just waiting for Louis" Harry mumbled causing Perrie and Luke to share a look.

Louis strolled into the room looking like he'd just got up. His hair was a mess and he looked pretty tired. He stuck a deuce up at Zayn and walked over to the group.

"Morning everyone" he said sitting down. Everyone chorused morning back at him.

They waited for the teachers to take the register before they walked out of the school grounds and into the town centre. Harry had hold of the video camera. Louis was carrying lots of paper. Luke was holding a microphone kit and Perrie was swanning ahead not carrying anything.

Louis dropped some paper cursing shit under his breath. Harry bent down and helped him pick them up. "Listen Harry". The taller boy stood up and looked at Louis.

"M'really sorry about Friday. I'm sorry if that upset you or anything. I didn't mean to. When I heard you left I was worried I upset you, I feel bad mate". Harry let a small smile spread across his face and handed him the papers. "It's alright Louis". He walked a bit ahead of him "truth is, you're not that much of a bad kisser". Louis was stood in the same spot, mouth open with a huge blush on his cheeks.

"Come on Louis" Luke shouted from ahead. Louis held his papers close and ran to catch up with the rest of the group.


"Excuse me Madame can we ask you a few questions?" the woman nodded. "What are your views on homosexuals in the area?" Perrie asked smiling at the woman.

A stern look went across the woman's face. "Disgusting. Shouldn't be allowed". Perrie sighed dropping the microphone "thankyou". The group walked away from the woman.

"That's the third one we've had like that in a row" Luke groaned. Louis scanned the people walking through the town centre. There was a group of students a bit older than them. "Come on guys".

Louis walked up to them with his group following them. "Hi... hum you don't suppose I can ask you a few questions in front of the camera do you?" the feathered hair boy asked. The group nodded, he waved his hand at Harry to roll camera.

"What's your view on homosexuals in the area?" he asked them, praying that they were normal. The tall man in the middle answered first. "I have no right to have a view on them" he replied. Louis looked at Perrie watching a small smile appear on her face. "They're normal people, and they should have every right to do whatever they please"

A girl next to him then spoke up "like Ant said, they're human beings. Just because they like someone with the same parts as them doesn't make them any less of a person". Perrie was beaming at the responses.

The other guy also said his opinion "for example, the only different between loving a guy rather than a girl is the few different physical differences and the fact that they get the footie, other than that it's the exact same". Louis smiled at Luke who was looking over Harry's shoulder. He have him the thumbs up.

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