16 years later

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Louis stood outside the head teachers office with his twelve year old son. His daughter was sat in a chair opposite them in the corridor.
"I still don't get why I've got to be here" Louis sighed checking his phone. The blue eyed boy looked up at his dad skeptically. "Because you're my dad and you have to be here". Louis nodded putting his phone back in his pocket. He looked over the corridor at Darcy who was unusually quiet. "You alright love?" he asked smiling at her. She looked up at him with big eyes and shook her head. "I'll tell you when we get home, I don't want him to hear" she said pointing at her brother. Louis nodded looking back at James who was leaning on the wall next to him.
A receptionist came out from the office. "Mr Tomlinson?" she asked. Louis looked up at her. "Mrs Jones will see you now" he nodded walking into the office with James following him on his heels. He walked in and squinted at the familiar face. The face he recognised smiled at him, he slowly nodded remembering. "Miss Spindle? you still teach here?" he laughed sitting down. The now much older looking teacher laughed. "Well it's now Mrs Jones and yeah I'm still around". Louis made a mental note to tell Zayn that he was right that his two teachers were fucking then looked at his son, then back at the teacher.
"Miss- I mean Mrs Jones could you explain to me exactly what my son as done" he demanded. The teacher took off her glasses and placed them down on the table next to her. "You see Mr Tomlinson, James here has so much potential, he just chooses not to use it". Louis nodded still frowning "and what's bad about that?" he quizzed. The teacher sighed "James got in a spot of bother today you see, there was a slight fight in the school field". Louis raised his eyebrows at his son. "A fight? Well I saw the cuts on his face but really a fight?" he asked. James nodded "dad he deserved it I swear".
Louis shook his head at him "I'm sure he did, who won?" he asked the blue eyed boy who's face had instantly lit up. "Uh... I did". Louis nodded looking back at the teacher. "I don't see what's the problem, James isn't violent. This boy probably deserved it. Who was this boy?" he asked. Mrs Jones rubbed her wrinkly forehead looking back at her former student. "It was Noah Grimshaw". Louis face showed the emotion of shock, he opened in mouth in surprise. "Grimshaw? well in that case my son did absolutely nothing wrong". The teacher sighed "Mr Tomlinson, James still caused disruption"
Louis rubbed his chin glaring at his old teacher. "Give him a detention then" he said sarcastically. Mrs Jones got out a file which Louis presumed was James' and went through it. "I can't just give him a detention, he injured Noah and your son has a bust lip and eyebrow which I suggest gets stitches". James looked at his dad with wide eyes, Louis gave him a slight smile. "I can take him to hospital that's not a problem but my daughter is outside. So could you please tell me what I need to do because I'm sorry Miss but it's getting late and none of us have been home yet". The teacher sighed glaring at Louis.
"I want to suspend James for three days". Louis widened his eyes but quickly nodded. "Fine yeah. Is that this meeting over?" he asked standing up motioning for James to do the same. "Of course Mr Tomlinson. But seeing as it's the weekend tomorrow I don't wish to see James here until Thursday". Louis nodded shaking her hand. "Thanks Miss, and I promise he won't do it again" he said fondly ruffling the boys hair. "But you will be punishing him won't you?". Louis nodded making James look down at his feet. "I won't be but when Harry finds out god knows what will happen". They both walked out the room closing the door behind them.
Darcy stood up from the chair she was sitting on. "Can we go home now Dad?" She asked walking along very close to Louis. He nodded taking her bag off of her. "Yeah, brake the news to old Mr Grumpy and then take Jimbo to A&E". The green eyes girl nodded, she pulled her dad closer to her so he could whisper in his ear. "But I need to talk to you". Louis nodded putting his arm round her. "As soon as we get in, ill
let Pops deal with James then we can talk yeah?" she nodded smiling.
"Harry?" Louis called as he opened the front door letting the two twins walk in first. Harry walked into the hallway. "Where have you-" he cut himself off when he caught a glimpse of the blue eyed boys face. "What on earth has happened to you?" he asked holding his sons chin so he could get a closer look at his injuries.
Louis nervously smiled at his husband. "Yeah about that, we need to go out to A&E later". Harry nodded still looking closer at the two gashes on his sons face. "I can tell, are you alright Darce?" he asked his daughter who seemed a bit off today. She nodded adamantly looking up at Louis "yeah when you're done with him can I talk to you both?". Harry smiled at her showing his dimples which she had inherited. "Course, Lou what's happened?".
Louis coughed walking into the kitchen with Harry following him. James was sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen. "Well James got in a fight". Harry widened his eyes but then scowled "a fight?" he asked. Louis gulped looking over at Harry trying not to act like he was scared of him. "Yeah don't worry about it love, I've sorted it all out". Harry nodded, a scowl still plastered on his face. "He was in a fight Louis. That's not something small, this is serious". James looked between his parents with big eyes. "Don't have a go at Dad, he wasn't the one in the fight" he pointed out. Harry raised his eyebrows at him.
"I don't get why you thought violence was the only answer" he sighed sitting down opposite James. Louis nervously shifted his weight onto his other foot. "It was Noah. And he always picks on me and I just had enough". Harry nodded smiling slightly. "Well I'm glad you stood up for yourself but come on James, you didn't have to fight him". The blue eyed boy blinked between his two parents thinking of an answer. "He's Grimshaw's kid Haz" Louis spoke up. Harry's jaw dropped "as in Nick Grimshaw?". Louis nodded sitting down next to him.
Harry then fully smiled at James "did you win?". The boy nodded making Harry stick out his hand so his son could hi-5 him. "Don't quote me on this but I'll let you fight a Grimshaw any old day". James' face lit up. He ran round to Harry giving him a hug. "Thankyou Papa you're my favourite" he whined into Harry. Louis smiled into the two of them. James ran off into the games room "oh and by the way I've been suspended" then slammed the door behind him.
"Suspended?" Harry asked Louis who sighed. "Yeah three days". Harry nodded playing with his fingers. "Are we pushovers?" he asked his husband who shook his head. "No way Haz, just because we let him off doesn't mean we have to be nice to him". Harry nodded pulling him into a hug. Louis hugged him back tightly.
"Can I talk to you both now?" a little voice sounded behind them. Harry looked up at Darcy and nodded. She shut the door behind her and walked over to the kitchen table. "What's wrong baby?" Harry asked sticking his bottom lip out at her. She looked at him through pained eyes then sighed. "If I tell you do you promise not to laugh at me?". Harry frowned at Louis but then both nodded simultaneously.
Darcy sighed "something's happened". Louis immediately frowned "Whats happened?". The green eyed girl shook her head "no no nothing bad for you... just bad for me". Louis nodded slowly still frowning at his daughter. He looked over at Harry for support who was also still frowning. "What do you mean bad for you?" Louis asked making Darcy push her two lips together. "Promise you won't laugh". Both her parents nodded still frowning at her. "I'm bleeding". Louis looked up from his lap and Harry still had a frown plastered on his face.
"What do you mean you're bleeding?" he asked. Darcy looked up him with hope in her eyes, Louis still frowned at him. Harry's eyes widened in realisation "oh" he said slowly. "You mean?". Darcy cut him off by nodding. Louis still frowned at Harry, he hadn't caught on yet. Harry smiled at his daughter "do you want me to tell him?" he asked, she nodded smiling. "She's become a woman Lou". Louis still frowned at Harry. "I don't get it". Harry face palmed making Darcy laugh. "She's started her period, for goodness sake Louis how dumb are you". Louis slowly nodded smiling at his daughter.
Darcy looked relieved that her parents knew. "Do you need us to go shopping?" Louis asked, she nodded. "Yeah because I only have one and it was from Katie so I need to get more" she said more confidently. Louis nodded sitting back in his chair. Harry was still smiling at his daughter like she'd won the noble prize. "How'd you feel about all this?" he asked. Darcy shrugged her shoulders. "Weird. My tummy hurts". Harry looked up at Louis who also shrugged. "Were going to A&E and then to the shops because we have no food. Darce are you alright for now?" Louis asked his daughter she nodded and walked out the kitchen.
Louis watched her walk out the room before looking at Harry with a smirk on his face. "What?" he whined. Louis walked passed him and slapped his bum. "Who'd have thought it eh" he sighed picking up his car keys. Harry stood really close to him nudging him so he could get to the drawer Louis was standing in front of. "Have thought what?". Louis turned to face him so their stomachs were pressed together "that we would have all this". Harry smirked at him kissing his forehead.
They heard a cough from behind them making them look up. "Can we like go?" James asked with his sister stood next to him. Louis nodded grabbing his keys and shoving Harry in the ribs. "Yeah uh hospital first because no offence mate but you look awful". James glared at him. "Shut up dad".
"James Tomlinson?" the nurse called out. They'd been sitting there for two hours, waiting for him to be called for some stitches. James stood up looking back at his family. "Can someone come with me?" he asked. Darcy was on Harry's lap but he made her get off when he complained of a stomach ache. He looked at Louis who shook his head. "M'coming" he said getting up leaving Louis and Darcy in the waiting room.
Harry sat in the chair as James got his eyebrow and lip stitched up. He smiled at the memory of him taking Louis here to get him stitched up after he was in a fight. Louis had sat on the bed much like James was sitting now, looking small and fragile squirming at the stitches being put through his face. "Looks like he's all stitched up". Harry nodded standing up and looking sympathetically at his son. "I look like Frankenstein" he sighed. Harry smiled at him "you look like a thug".
He held the door open for his son and walked back out in the waiting room to collect the other two members of the Tomlinson family. "You look like a thug" Louis said to him frowning. James sighed "that's exactly what Pops said" nudging his father in the ribs. Harry looked down at Darcy who had gone pretty pale. "How are you feeling kiddo?" he asked putting his arm round her as they walked. "Why are you fussing over Darcy I just got stitches in my face". Harry frowned at his son opening the door of their range rover. "Yeah but Darcy has gone through something pretty big today so you need to give her a break".
Louis sat in the drivers seat of the car waiting for his family to get in. Eventually Harry climbed in next to him and shut the door. "Finally" he sighed sarcastically. He pulled out of the Carpark and drove along the road to the supermarket
"Why are we down this isle?" James whined as they walked down the personal health care isle. Louis sighed pushing the trolley whilst Harry walked up front with Darcy. They stood in front of a shelf full of things he knew absolutely nothing about.
He frowned biting his finger nail looking at the endless boxes of things piled up. "Darce?" he asked. She nodded standing next to him also frowning "what ones do you need?". Darcy picked up a packet then put it straight back down again shrugging. "Would you laugh if I told you I have no idea?". Harry sighed chuckling at her comment.
He turned round to look at Louis who was leaning on the trolley examining the boxes of condoms discreetly. "Lou?" he asked. Louis' head snapped up and turned to his husband. "What?" he frowned. Harry pointed at the endless isle of alien things "you've got sisters, you know what's what". Louis nodded standing on the other side of Darcy. "You've got a sister Harry". Harry nodded still examining the shelf. "But she's older so she dealt with these things on her own". Louis nodded turning to Darcy.
"Well do you want to wear a like nappy thing or do you want like a plug". Darcy covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing, she'd gotten over the embarrassment and started to see the humour in all this. "You mean a pad or a tampon Dad". Louis nodded bending down to look at the lower shelves. "And which one of those would you want?". The curly haired girl tucked a bit of hair behind her ear and bit her slip. "Pad please". Harry looked at Louis bewildered at how quickly he was getting to grips with all this.
Once they eventually found the ones Darcy wanted they threw them in the trolley about to leave the isle. "Wait do you need some like pain killers?" Harry asked. Darcy nodded quickly so he looked at the shelf in front of him. "Got 'em" he said chucking them in and walking with her to find Louis and James in an argument.
"You've been suspended for three days I am not buying you that" Louis said sounding pissed off. James stood holding a video game which Harry picked up and put back on the shelf. "What that's not fair". Harry shrugged his shoulders at the blue eyed boy. "Life's unfair". Louis smirked at him pushing the trolley further down the isle. James glared at the back of his fathers head but carried on walking behind his family.

(one more to goooo :( )

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