Ch. 8: Brother Say's What?

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Ch. 8 - Brother Say's What?

The instant we got to the house, Cam dragged Missy up to his bedroom .Poor thing; she was going to be stuck there for a while now that he’s got her up there. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink before going and plopping down onto the couch. Brandon soon followed after me and then gave me a smile, “So…” He dragged out the word. “How do you know Zach?”

I rolled my eyes, “I’ve known him since I was in like seventh or eighth grade, Brandon.”

“How?” He asked, looking shocked and confused.

“My family always takes a beach vacation and I met him there.” I said. “We used to date back then. Well, as much as you can date when the both of you live in two different states.” I shrugged. “I had no idea he would ever come to Ohio.”

“Oh. Wow, small world then.” Brandon looked content with the answer like it solved all the problems. “So, if you know him, why won’t you call him back? I mean, he’s still your friend, right?”

I sighed and twirled my almost empty can in my hand. “I mean, it’s really just…I can’t call him back right now. I know it’s childish of me, but I don’t want to get involved with him again.”

“But he’s engaged, so you wouldn’t be able to get involved with him anyway.” Brandon reminded me.

I rolled my eyes, “No shit, Sherlock!” I chuckled, “I already know that; but I meant even being friends.”

It’s been about a week since the day that Zach took Cameron to school and we met up for dinner. Zach had called almost daily, but gave up by the middle of the week. He would shoot me a text here and there, but I never replied to those either. I just couldn’t make myself contact him. Mainly because of Christy; which is why it’s childish.

“He’ll be disappointed that you won’t even be his friend.” Brandon said. “He’s seemed a little happier since you’ve come into his life.”

I snorted, “Yeah, okay, whatever you say.” There was no way he could be telling me the truth. I mean, Zach is engaged for crying out loud! Another girl should not make him happy. Friend or not.

“I’m serious. It’s almost like he has a new pep in his step.” I looked at Brandon to see he was dead serious.

I sighed, “Well, too bad. I can’t even be his friend because of Christy. Even if I wanted to, she wouldn’t allow it to happen.”

Brandon snickered. “Damn Kels, what’d you do to her already? You only met her once. I mean, I know she’s hard to get along with at first, but she’s not so bad after a while.” He cracked a grin before adding, “And she’s smokin’ hot, too.”

I threw my now empty can at him for that comment. “See, you’re just blinded by that bimbo’s beauty. She’s not even that pretty. And that’s not the first time I’ve met her. She went to our school, idiot. She was queen bee of my class. I mean, even Derek knew who she was and he was in your same grade! I mean, did you even attend high school?” I joked with him.

“Of course I did!” He gasped and faked being hurt. “I just didn’t care about under classman.” He shrugged.

I shook my head and laughed, “Wow, Brandon.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem with her?” All joking was set aside for him.

I dropped my jaw at him. “For real? She’s the total opposite of me for starters, and she’s a total fake.”

“Whatever. So what does that mean for Cameron?” Brandon asked out of the blue.

“What?” I whipped my head up to stare at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

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