Ch. 16: Maybe Next Time

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Ch. 16

~Zach POV~

“Good night, buddy. I love you.” I said to Cam, after tucking him into his made up bed. I made sure to get some little kid sheets, so he could enjoy them. I mean, what little kid wants just plain colored sheets? I know I didn’t want that when I was his age.

“Night. Love you too, daddy.” He gave me a tired smile and laid back on his pillows.

I smiled back at him and backed out of the room. Man! This kid definitely knows how to keep you on your toes. He never wants to just quit and take a break. He has so much energy! I don’t know how Kelsey deals with this 24-7 and keeps up a job. She’s got to be exhausted by the end of the day.

“So, he’s finally in bed?” Christy asked, stopping me in the hallway.

I nodded and smiled at her. “Yep, he sure is.”

“Hmm…” She looked me up and down. “You know that just means that we have time to…” She trailed her finger up my chest before stopping at the neck of my shirt and pulling on it slightly. “You know, get down and dirty.” She winked.

I chuckled and removed her hand from the collar of my shirt. “Not tonight.” That caused a pouting face to appear on Christy. I moved my hand and with one finger, tipped her chin up and made her look me in the eyes. “We have plenty of time for that. Just not tonight, okay?”

“I’m getting real tired of you not wanting to be with me. I mean, you were with that whore before. Why won’t you sleep with me?” The look on Christy’s face would chase away any other guy, but I was too used to getting that look that it didn’t affect me anymore.

I rolled my eyes and started walking again towards our room. “She’s not a whore, you know that…”

“Don’t stick up for the hoe!” Christy screeched at me before I could continue on with my sentence.

I sighed. This act was getting old. I know Christy is better than this. I stopped and faced my fiancé. “Look. She is no a whore. She’s not a hoe. She’s just Kelsey. I know her better than that, and you are biased on your opinion for some reason. Anyway, yes. I did sleep with her and look where that one got me! It got me a son that I didn’t know existed until now; six years later. It was a mistake sleeping with her. Besides, you know how I feel about just laying down with a woman. I would much rather be married to you first.” I could tell she was about to interrupt, but I put my hand up, stopping her before she got any word out. “I know that isn’t usual. I know that’s beyond normal, but it’s the way I want things, okay? If you’re going to marry me, then you’ve got to understand that. If you’re that sex deprived then go out and find someone who will give it to you, but don’t think I’ll actually marry you if you do that. If you can’t wait, then… I don’t know what to say to that, but if you’re marrying me, and you’re serious about this then you’ll respect my wishes and get over it.”

She smiled and relaxed, “You know. You’re hot when you get all mad and dominant like that.”

“That’s the only reason you’re marrying me, isn’t it? Because I’m hot?” I teased. It’s not the first time I’ve said something like that before.

“You betcha.” She smiled and finished walking towards the room. “I guess there is a few other reasons why I’m marrying you, but that’s at the top of the list.” She made sure her hips swayed when she walked.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. She is a handful, but it makes me life more fun and gives me something to do. She knows how to keep things interesting. By the time I made it into the room, she was already snuggled under the blankets and looking at me. “You sure we can’t have sex tonight?”

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