Ch. 14: Can't Be Selfish

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Ch. 14 - Can't Be Selfish

“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” Cameron yelled continuously while jumping on my bed.

“What did I say about jumping on the bed?” I turned away from my dresser and raised my eyebrow at my very hyper child.

He quickly sat down on his knees and smiled a very evil yet trying to be innocent smile at me. “Sorry. I can’t help it!”

“I’ll forgive you this time.” I told him. “Now, I’m guessing you want to tell me something?”

“Yes!” He yelled.

I flinched. “Okay, what is it? But can you tell me in a little more calm of a tone?”

“I’m excited to go to Mr. Zach’s baseball game today! It’s the last one of the season, right?” He asked me with a gigantic smile on his face.

It was times like this that I treasure the most. His level of excitement always amazed me and I loved seeing that smile on him. It made me smile just knowing how happy and care free he is. I smiled back at him and nodded, “It sure is. We’re going to have a lot of fun today! Maybe get some hotdogs, and some peanuts. How does that sound?”

“It sounds great!” He hopped off the bed and ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I can’t believe how much he’s growing already. Before you know it, he’ll be as tall as me. I’m not looking forward to that day. “Am I still going with him afterwards?”

I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my light and happy face on for Cam. “Only if you still want to, but you don’t have to. The choice is yours.”

He thought it over for a moment, tapping his finger on his chin. “I think I want to.”

Even though I knew that was coming, it still made me shiver internally with just the thought of him being gone from me, even if it is at Zach’s house. I mean, he’s stayed other places before, but I just…it wasn’t settling with me. “Okay. Then you sure are going over there.” I was surprised my tone was still so light.

“Yay! I’m going to go pack my backpack!” And with that, he jetted out of my room and into his own.

I’ve tried so hard to stay civil with Zach. As much as I was still irritated with the fact that he waited months before coming back into Cameron’s life, I had to let him have a chance to get to know his son. As long as he’s willing to go through with this, I guess it’s only right of me to let him. He’s never done me wrong, and he never knew about Cam in the beginning, so there isn’t any valid reason for me not to let him be a part of his own son’s life. I just wish that Christy wasn’t going to be a part of Cam’s life; but obviously that’s not going to happen.

Thankfully my phone went off, knocking me out of those thoughts. I needed to stop thinking about it or I was going to spaz out later when Zach tries to take Cam with him. I’ll become that mother that drags Cam away from doing what he wants only because of my own selfish reasons. I looked down at the text that I got and laughed, “You ready miss guys-should-always-wear-baseball-pants?”

I rolled my eyes and typed back, “Yes, idiotic brother-in-law of mine. Just about.”

“Good! Because we’re getting there early to beat all of the crowds!” Damn that boy replies fast, but only when it comes to something like this. Any other time he is the slowest replier ever.

“Alright Mr. impatient.” I giggled as I hit send and tossed my phone onto my bed. Guess that means I better get dressed finally and make sure Cam is all ready for his weekend away.


About an hour and a half later, we made our way out of the parking garage and towards the fields. “Did we really need to leave this early?” I asked Brandon as I looked around and saw basically no one. I mean, we still had several hours before the game actually started.

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