Ch. 20: Family Love

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Ch. 20: Family Love

~Kelsey POV~


My phone was sitting on my dresser going crazy. What did this person want? It hasn’t stopped going off for the past like five minutes and all I want to do is sleep in. I wasn’t ready to get up yet. Whoever it was could wait until I wasn’t too lazy to get up and get my phone. That would have been a fantastic thought until of course my baby boy popped into my room. “I’m hungry!” He said and crawled onto my bed and snuggled into my side. He took after me when it came to mornings sometimes. It took him a little while to get himself up, but once he was finally fully awake, he was always full of energy.

I wrapped him up in my arms and held him against me. “What would you like for breakfast?”

He shrugged at me and I sighed. Totally should have seen that one coming. We both are the most indecisive people there are so to ask him a question like that was pointless. He looked up at me with a bright smile. “How about some waffles!”

“Alright, I think I can manage that.” I smiled at him and kissed him on the top of the head. “You want them right now or do you want to sleep a little longer?”

I was crossing my fingers for the latter, but, “Now please.” He smiled at me and bounced off of my bed.

I should have known that was coming. It couldn’t have been that easy for him to want to wait for them. After stretching and groaning, I climbed out of my nice warm blankets and walked over to my dresser and picked up my phone. On the way downstairs, I looked over who all was trying to get ahold of me and there was a text and a missed call from Missy, a text from Anthony, and a text from Brandon.

I opened up Missy’s text first since she was the first to call and text me. So! How did the date go? I know you called him and went out last night because I know you’re really good at listening to me! HURRY UP AND TEXT ME BACK OR CALL ME BACK. I WANT DETAILS.”

I had to laugh at her. Oh Missy, how you make my day that much better just by texting me things like that. I’d text her back after I made the waffles. I knew that I would be on the phone for hours talking to her so I wanted to have a happy kid before I did that. After I pulled the waffles out of the freezer and popped one into the toaster for Cam and looked at the text from Brandon next. Yo! Sis! I heard you had a date last night. I’m saddened you didn’t come to me first. You know I’m going to make sure he treats you right, right? Okay, glad we’ve got that covered. Now GET BACK WITH ME FOOL! :P”

I shook my head at my stupid brother in law. He’s such a dork sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade having him for a brother for anything. It made me happy that he treated me so much like his sister. I love him so much and am so glad to have him in my life. Last but not least, I looked at the last text from Anthony, “Hey! I had a really great time last night. I was thinking maybe we could go out again on Friday? Just let me know.”

Well, he sure does work fast, but I couldn’t help the little giddy part of me that thought about going out with him again on Friday. I mean, sure I dated people before obviously, but since I married Derek so young, I sort of didn’t have those true dating moments so this is almost like making up for those, not that I would change the way things were. That’s not the case at all.

This time I actually replied to someone and not having to worry about being on the phone for hours on end talking. “Sure! Friday sounds fantastic! I’ll see you then.”

“Cool! Pick you up at seven, then.” Well that was a quick reply.

“Sounds great!” I replied back to him and then grabbed the waffle that popped up and placed it onto a plate for my son. “Cam! Breakfast is ready!” I hollered and finished making his waffle up the way he liked it with butter, syrup, and powdered sugar. I should have never let him try my waffle one of the few times I ever eat them. He’s never let me make them any other way since then.

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