Chapter 3

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Danny stormed off down the hall not caring as to whether or not those stupid girls were following him. He was pissed off that some guy had the gall to push him down onto the ground. Danny managed to escape the girls as the first bell rang and people came rushing into the hallway. He slipped out the back door of the school and leaned up against the brick wall the stress was starting to get to him again. Danny fumbled through his jacket pockets looking for his pack of cigarettes, then through his pants and found them in his front pocket.

Danny pulled out a cigarette before shoving the box into one of the pockets of his leather jacket. He stuck the cigarette in between his lips as he searched around for his lighter. As he pulled it out from the inside of his jacket he took a moment to thumb over it, thinking back on what his elder brother had told him about smoking. His brother had tried to keep Danny away from the same path that he was going down, but after his death there was almost nothing left to stop Danny from drowning out his sorrows in alcohol and cigarettes. Except, for his younger brother Philip. Danny would do anything to protect his 10 year old brother and to keep him smiling.

Danny flicked the lighter to start the flame before bringing it up to the cigarette that was still hanging from his lips. He lit the end before sucking deepingly on the end of the cigarette and relaxing against the wall that was behind him. He held the smoke in for longer than he knew he should've before blowing it out in a grey cloud. He coughed for a second before he took his next puff, this time not holding it in as long.

Danny would never do this in front of his younger brother, he would feel ashamed for not being the strong older brother that he knew that Philip needed. This was one of his dirty little secrets, that he kept from his brother. But he was more pissed off now because that guy in the hall had made him come out here because of the memories that he had brought with him when he had bumped into Danny. The look on his face was something that Danny had never seen on a guy of his size before. He had actually looked scared of Danny, almost like he thought that Danny was going to hit him or something.

That had hit a place in Danny that he had thought that he had had under control. He felt guilty about yelling at the guy, and realized through his own stupidness that is was probably just an accident that he had pushed Danny. Danny was also starting to think that maybe he was starting to become more like his parents. The thought of that made Danny take another strong puff and hold it in for a few seconds before letting it out with a cough. Danny shook his head, he couldn't be anything like those people who call themselves his parents. He was nothing like them he kept repeating that to himself over and over but the guilt was still there and that made him angry.

Danny jumped a little when he heard the chime of his phone going off in his back pocket of his jeans. He left the cigarette in his mouth as he pulled the phone from his pocket. Danny swiped open the password on his phone's screen and flipped open to the messages. A friend of his from his more illegal activities had sent him a text asked if he wanted in on the next race. The only real illegal thing that he did was race, and that was to get extra money to be able to get out of that house that he lived in with his parents. He sent his reply and finished his cigarette before ditching school to get a car to get out to the race.

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