Chapter 14

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"Sebastian, what's really going on?" Jenna asked as she leaned against the locker that was next to Sebastian.

"Its nothing, don't worry about it," Sebastian mumbled as he tried to hide the fact that his hands were still shaking. He really didn't want to bring up the dark side of his past to her. Jenna would definitely think differently of him if she knew.

"You shaking is not nothing," Jenna commented as she grabbed his hand and held it tight in both of hers. She stared up at Sebastian hoping to drag something out of the boy that likes to keep to himself.

"Its nothing honestly, just some stuff from back in my hometown that doesn't want to leave me alone," Sebastian replied trying not to cave into her eyes. He could tell that she was worried about him, but his past was still a very raw aspect to himself. Not exactly something that he wanted to talk about mostly because he was ashamed. How can a person, let alone a guy, be so easily kidnapped and then held for 3 months? Its as embarrassing as it is traumatizing.

Just then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Sebastian felt his cellphone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled his hand away from Jenna and reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. He wasn't really expecting anything but he regretted looking at who the message was from the moment that he saw the phone number. He had kind of been hoping that it was his parents but he had had this gut feeling that it wasn't them. That gut feeling was right. He turned the phone off and then tried to force a smile.

"Let's just head off to class, I'll see you at lunch," Sebastian said to Jenna as he closed his locker and started to walk backwards in the direction of his class.

"Alright," Jenna replied not convinced that everything was okay. She did feel a little better knowing that he let a bit more slip than usual. She quickened her pace so that she was walking next to him until they had arrived at Sebastian's class where they were forced to separate.

The morning classes went by far too quickly for Sebastian's liking. He knew that Jenna was not going to let him go about how he had been acting this morning. He walked over to his locker and put his stuff away before heading over to the lunch room to meet up with Jenna. He was relieved to see that she hadn't arrived at their usual table yet. That gave Sebastian some time to relax and come up with an excuse.

A shot of panic ran through Sebastian as he remembered that he had turned his phone off earlier that morning. He was really hoping that his parents hadn't tried to text or call him, otherwise they'd be in a panic about what could've happened to him. Sebastian quickly turned on his phone and placed it on the table face up once he had taken his seat.

Sebastian was completely drawing a blank as to what excuse he could use to dissuade Jenna from digging any deeper. He could just tell her the half-truth that he had had a really bad nightmare, but she may want to know what it was about. Sebastian rubbed his hands through his hair in frustration. There wasnt a plausible way for him to get around her questions.

"Hey! You feeling a bit better?" Jenna asked as she sauntered up to the table, knocking Sebastian out of his train of thought.

"Yeah," Sebastian replied, lying through his teeth. Just as Jenna was going to question his certainty, Sebastian's phone started hopping around on the table. The phone showed 15 new messages all from the same phone number that had messaged him earlier that morning.

Jenna was able to see some of the messages before Sebastian was able to grab it off the table. He pulls the phone back and groans when he see all the messages that she has sent him, none of which had a single nice thing to say in them. One of them even included another picture of her fucking some dude that looked like one of Sebastian's ex best friends from the football team.

"Who's that slut?" Jenna asked, her voice coming right up next to Sebastian's ear making him jump sideways. Sebastian saw that she was absolutely disgusted by what she was seeing on his phone. Once his heartbeat had calmed down he was able to think more clearly. He knew there was no avoiding this one.

"My ex-girlfriend," Sebastian mumbled as he turned the screen off on his phone.

"Noo, no way, seriously?" Jenna asked incredulous, looking at Sebastian for some form of joking but couldn't find any. "I mean shes hot and all but shes even setting off my psycho alarm bells. When did you guys break up?"

"About 7 months ago," Sebastian replied sounding ashamed and embarrassed. He wasn't really expecting a reaction like this from Jenna and he wasn't really sure how to react.

"You really did dodge a bullet there man," Jenna replied before her face scrunched up in confusion. "But wait you are gay, aren't you?"

"Yeah, thats why we broke up," Sebastian confessed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It was becoming too painful to hide from her, but I trusted her enough to keep it a secret. Or at least I thought that I could."

"Ahh, so she spilled your secret or threatened to to try to keep you around?" Jenna surmised as she tapped thoughtfully on her chin.

"Yeah, something like that," Sebastian told her trying not to spill anymore about his past. That was only half the reason.

"Then why is she still texting you?" Jenna questioned as she looked back up at Sebastian. He just shrugged, because in all honesty he didn't really know why she was still texting him, other than to put more salt in his already festering wound. Jenna seemed to accept that response more honestly than his other verbal responses.

Sebastian relaxed under Jenna's more understanding and calming gaze. She was very easy for him to talk to, and thats where he was starting to make the biggest slip ups. It was kind of nice having someone else that he could talk to though. Sebastian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, so he scanned his eyes around the cafeteria and spotted the person that was staring at him.

A few tables over, in the middle of the cafeteria, Sebastian spotted Danny who was staring at Sebastian from across the cafeteria with curiosity and great frustration. Sebastian was surprised by the intenseness of Danny's stare. It made Sebastian a bit bashful and self-conscious, he was even on the verge of blushing. He wasn't used to being stared at with such intensity. He couldn't tell what Danny was thinking about at all, and considering their earlier altercation he was a bit more than embarrassed.

Jenna took notice of our exchange and met Danny's stare with a glare of her own. Danny returned her glare before getting up from his table of friends and walking out of the cafeteria.

"Don't mind him too much, he's always been this grouchy," Jenna told Sebastian trying to keep his mind off of Danny's attitude. Sebastian just nodded and then began to eat his lunch.

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