Chapter 40

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Sebastian barely registered the light brushes against his skin. The heat of what was next to him was comforting and calming. Sebastian reached his arm across and pulled the warmth closer to him and snuggled the slightly fluffy top of whatever it was underneath his chin. It didn't really click with Sebastian what he was holding until he felt a pair of arms go around his waist in return. Sebastian's eyes shot open and his heart rate went up a couple notches as he quickly glanced around. He managed to relax a bit when he saw that he was still in his own room, but the arms were still wrapped around his waist.

Sebastian slowly pulled back a bit and looked down to see who was holding him. Danny, who had fallen back to sleep against Sebastian's chest, was resting with his head on Sebastian shoulder and his nose in the crook of Sebastian's neck. Danny had one of his arms wrapped around Sebastian's waist and the other arm tucked in front of him resting against Sebastian's chest.

Sebastian had managed to keep himself from having a panic attack...but just barely. He knew that Danny was probably sober by now and that for some reason started to scare Sebastian. He was nervous to know what Danny would think about when he woke up, especially with this situation of Danny being naked and with himself being shirtless. He knew that Danny was going to be asking questions and may even be angry. Sebastian bit his lip as he tried to think of the possible scenarios but froze again when he felt Danny shift around in his arms and stretch. Danny yawned and blinked back the sleep in his eyes before he groaned and looked up at Sebastian's face.

"Umm, I'm sorry...for whatever I did last night," Danny murmured as he kept his eyes fixed on a freckle on Sebastian's chest that was just above a star shaped scar that was about the size of a clementine. "I don't really remember anything that I did last night, I don't remember anything after seeing you at the party with Jenna."

Sebastian pulled back so that he wasn't in contact with Danny but didn't move any further away, not wanting to give Danny the wrong idea but at the same time needing to put space between them before he had a panic attack. Now that Danny was awake Sebastian's panic had started to kick back in. Sebastian vaguely connected that last night had felt different than how he usually felt, for once he had actually felt in control, but quickly pushed it to the side as he tried to keep himself under control. Danny noticed Sebastian's quick change in mood and was very concerned. Had he done something last night that was too far, he already knew that they had probably done something considering their dress at the moment, but for the life of him Danny couldn't remember any of it.

Sebastian flipped onto his back and stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom as he put an arm across his forehead as he felt a headache start to build up. The silence was getting heavy as Sebastian laid there and pondered what he should do next. There wasn't a lot that he really could think of doing, and he was conflicted by the choices that he was presenting himself with. One option would be to ask Danny to stay because he honestly did want Danny to stay, but he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to act with Danny around all the time, things could get difficult very quickly. Another option was that he could send Danny back to his abusive home. That thought alone was enough to twist Sebastian's stomach into painful knots, and it made his chest feel tight and heavy. That was not something that he wanted to do, however, his secrets were something that were too dark and something that he never wanted Danny to find out about or get involved in.

The conflicting thoughts only made Sebastian's headache worse, and he rubbed his palms of his hands into his eyes to try to relieve some of the pressure. He knew that he was going to have to let Danny go and see what he decides because Sebastian couldn't seem to be able to make up his mind about what he wanted to do. Either situation he knew would have grave consequences and could potentially backfire on him, and if he were to make a mistake or even the smallest slip up when Danny is around him it could bring everything that Sebastian has worked so hard to hide, crumbling down around him.

"I can drive you back to your house when you're ready to leave," Sebastian commented finally as he let both of his arms drop across his eyes, he was already regretting his choice but the dark side of him was a lot scarier than anything that he would ever want Danny to ever experience.

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