Chapter 54

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Danny just sits on the bed in front of Sebastian, not moving and not saying anything. He doesn't know what he should say or do after being told all that he was told. He wasn't sure what he should be thinking either, but all that he could think about right at that moment was that he had to get to the bathroom, now!

Danny jumped up from the bed and ran to Sebastian's bathroom before Sebastian could try to stop him or say anything to him. Danny barely makes it to the toilet before he started throwing up. Danny could vaguely hear footsteps come up behind him and felt a hand rub circles on his back, soothing Danny's anxious mind. Danny managed to stop throwing up, Sebastian handed him a cold, wet cloth and flushed the toilet. Danny wiped his mouth off with one side of the towel before flipping it over and putting it on the back of his neck. Sebastian handed Danny a glass of water as he turned around and leaned his back against the toilet.

"Sorry about that, I just wasn't expecting...any of that," Danny commented as he took another sip from the glass of water. Danny puts the glass down and rubs away the fresh tears that Sebastian was shedding as he sat crouched in front of Danny. "Can I see them again?"

"See what?" Sebastian asked, his voice sounding raw after all the crying that he had just done.

"The cuts," Danny said not bothering to beat around the bush about it, looking down at Sebastian's left wrist as he was talking. Sebastian pulled his arm to his side as he hesitated, but after everything that he had already just told Danny he didn't see the need to fight anymore. He pushed out his arm towards Danny, wrist side up, with the sleeve covering most of the cuts again.

Danny pushed back the sleeve so that it went all the way up to just passed Sebastian's elbow so that he could see the full extent of the damage. There were all different sizes and depths of slashes, and in some areas there were multiple that looked like they were created in fast succession. There were some newer looking ones that were in the middle of Sebastian's forearm that looked like the scabs were just starting to flake off. Danny gently traced a finger over a couple of the larger scars as he worked his way up to the ones that were scabbed up.

Danny put Sebastian's arm down and got up to walk over to the bathroom sink cabinet. He figured that Sebastian probably had something hidden away that he could use to help him get patched back up. Danny smiled when he finally saw a medium sized white plastic box situated at the back of the cabinet. He reached in and pulled out the box, before walking back over to Sebastian who had turned around to see what Danny was doing. Danny knelt down with the box at his side and held out his hand to Sebastian as he gestured to Sebastian's left arm. Sebastian hesitantly held out his arm towards Danny's open hand. Danny grasped his wrist and pulled it closer to himself as he fidgeted with the latches on the first aid kit.

When Danny had finally gotten the lid open he rifled around in the box for some alcohol swabs just to make sure that Sebastian wasn't going to be getting an infection in these newer wounds. Danny tore the package open with his teeth and pulled out the little square cloth. Danny ran the cloth over the scabbing and red looking lines trying to be as gentle as possible, but he could still feel Sebastian wince and tense up.

"Sorry, I know this probably really hurts but I just want to make sure that you don't get an infection," Danny comment through his teeth, feeling pretty bad about causing Sebastian pain. Once Danny had finished wiping it down he stuck some gauze on open wounds before wrapping it up so that the gauze wouldn't move around, and pinned it in place.

"Now, where is it?" Danny asked as he crossed his arms and tried to look Sebastian directly in the eyes.

"Where's what?" Sebastian asked confused as to what Danny was talking about all of the sudden.

"The blade, where is the blade?" Danny asked being very blunt about it.

"Oh, um, one second," Sebastian murmured as he got up from the bathroom floor and went back out into his room. Danny could hear him rummaging around in some drawers and shuffling around with some papers. After another moment or two Sebastian came back and knelt down in front of Danny with his fist stretched out towards him. Danny opened his hand palm up underneath Sebastian's fist a little bit confused as to what he was doing. Sebastian opened up his hand and dropped a small razor blade into Danny's open hand. Danny was surprised as to how clean the blade looked and wondered if Sebastian cleaned it after he used it.

"Is this the only one?" Danny asked as he looked up to Sebastian after examining the blade. Sebastian nodded obediently as he glanced at Danny out of the corner of his eye, feeling ashamed and naked.

Danny got up from the floor with the blade in hand and walked over to the toilet. He dropped the blade into the toilet and watched the blade disappear as he flushed the toilet.

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