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[E D I T E D]


"Nick-wh-what are you doing here?" I cannot believe this! He found me, but how?

"Hey angel" He smirks walking closer to the counter "I believe we have some things to talk about, right?"

I stare into those blue eyes that no longer have the spark like they use to, he has a 5'0 clock stubble and his eyes are dull.

"No Nick, I believe not, everything that had to be said was said awhile ago." His jaw tightens "Now would you like anything?"

"Yeah I would like for you to come round my house at 5, I will pick you up." My smirk turns into a frown "And dont even think about saying no." He comes as close as the counter will let him and whispers in my ear "My Annie."

I shiver hearing those two words again.

"See you later." With that he walked out of the café.

Nick found me.

What if he knows about Luke?

He can't know, he will take my baby away from me.

"Hey Ann, you okay?" I look over and see Andrew staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, just a bit clumsy today." I go down and pick up the caramel bottle that I dropped.

"Right, anyways you free later?"

I cant tell him, no way.

When Andrew found out what Nick did to me he was ready to go to his house and rip his head off.

If I tell him he came back and told me to go to his home Andrew will personally kill him himself.

"Not tonight Andrew I have-uh-um-I have to stay with Luke he wanted to have a movie night." I finally look into his eyes and he is just staring at me with his eyebrows raised and clearly does not believe what I just said.

"Alright Annie you could have just told me you didn't want to hang tonight." He puts his hands up in surrender.

"No Andrew it-"

He puts his large hand in my face signaling me to stop talking "Save it Annie." he looks away dramatically pretending to cry.

"Oh Andrew, stop being a drama queen." I hit his arm with my rag.

He jumps at the sudden contact "Wow so violent Annie." He shakes his head "Well I gotta go I have better things to do" he turns his head like a dramatically and walks out.

"Oh god, he will be the death of me" I chuckle continuing to work.


I finally talked to my Annie.

She is still the same, beautiful.

When we settle what happened and make her mine again I will make her quit that horrible job and be at home all day.

Those thoughts bring a smile to my face "Oh my Annie." I get into my car and tell my driver to take me home.

When I get home I get the house ready and tell the maids to make her favorite dinner. I also get ready and make sure everything is perfect when she comes back.

I found out where she lives by my private investigator and let me tell you, it is not pretty at all.

When I tell her she has to move in with me and we can live together again like old times will be the best moment ever, well besides the part I ask her to marry me again.

Finally the time comes to go get my Annie.


I look at myself in the mirror once again putting my hands over the ruffles on my red dress.

I can't believe this, how! did he find me.

I made sure no one knew only Andrew and Amy.

"Ugh" I grab my hair in frustration.

I will not go back to him, I will not!

Nick made me have huge trust issues and everytime I dated a guy it didnt go far.

I hear the doorbell, so I take my time walking to the door.

I open it and see him.

"Hey angel, you look beautiful as always, you ready?"

☆ ☆ ☆
Word count:808
oof it's official this story can not be saved no matter how many times I edit it lol.

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