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[E D I T I N G]


"You look absolutely beautiful, you ready?"

"Yes, I suppose" She walks in front of me to the limo.

My god she hasn't changed, still stubborn and beautiful as ever.

"So, did you date anyone while you were gone?" I need to know if she dated anyone and if she did so help me god I might just kill him.

"My dating life is none of your business" She gives me a hard glare, but to me she looks adorable.

"Yes it is my angel, we are together and I need to know if you dated anyone" I sit next to her, very closely.

She looks down "No, I haven't"

Thank god.

"Good, wouldn't want you to be cheating on me" I hold her waist.

"Wait, what?!" She slaps my hand away and goes to the other side of the limo.

"What?" I try my best to look innocent.

"What do you mean I would have been cheating on you?!"

"Because we are still married, love" I smirk.

Yes, when she handed me those divorce papers and we saw each other after three months too make it official I thew the divorce papers away. I couldn't bare knowing I wouldn't be married to my love anymore so I did what I thought was best, to destroy the papers.

"What do you mean!" Her face is turning red.

"I mean we are still married, I never turned the papers in."

She starts to breath in and out controlling her temper.

"Nick." she looks up at me her eyes a darker shade "Why would you do that? I don't want to be married to a man whore! that was the whole point of getting a divorce!" After calling me a man whore my face fell.

She still thought I was with other woman when I was alone and never even thought of seeing another woman.

"I am no man whore Annie" I raise my voice a bit and stare at her "After what happened with her I never laid my eyes on any other woman! I kept thinking of you and no one else, day after day."

I take a sharp breath in "I couldn't stop thinking of you, you were my everything and you still are."

"Sir, we are here" With that we both get out of the limo.

I try and help her out but she ignores my hand.

Well, this is gonna go great.


I cannot believe what nick has just told me. We have been married all these years because he is too stubborn to let me go, it wasn't even my fault in the first place!

We get to the front door and Rosita one of nick's maids opened the door. Just seeing her brought tears to my eyes once again, she use to be my friend and I use to vent all my problems to her, she was like the grandma I never had.

"Oh Annie" I walk up to her and give her a tight embrace while tears come out of my eyes.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too honey." She lets go and wipes my tears and get's close to my ear "You don't know how much he suffered when you left, let him have this night please" She looks at me with pleading eyes and I nod.

"Thank you Rosita" She nods and walks away.

"Now come this way" He leads me outside to the garden and we sit on a bench in the middle of beautiful roses and daisies.

"Now Annie" He turns towards me "Please tell me what happened all the years we were apart."

I sign, I remember Rosita's words "You don't know how much he suffered when you left, let him have this night please" I hesitantly nod my head.

"Well, after I left I went to see my family but," I take a sharp breath "My mother moved to canada and my other family is in Ohio." I look down and suddenly find the material of my dress interesting "So I then moved to New York, started working at the cafe and made a living off of it, and rented a room in a apartment and, you know the rest."

I look up and see him staring at me intensely.

"I'm sorry" Were the only words he said before Rosita called us in for dinner.

• • •

Dinner went better than I expected, we basically just ate and made small talk while he stared at me every chance he got, now we are in the living room in silence.

"So I guess you wanna know what I did for the years we were apart, am I right?" He raised his eyebrow while I nodded.

"Well, it was all over e news so you probably know, I had a drinking problem."

"But why, you had everything" I tilt my head.

"I didn't have you" He said with so much emotion making me want to comfort him.


Remember what he did, he cheated on you because he decided to trust your so called best friend instead of trying to talk to his own wife.

"Well, I drank because I wanted to forget everything, and the feelings were too much" He looks down ashamed "and I just didn't want to believe I lost the only thing I cared for in my life, so I went to drinking."

I nod my head signaling for him to continue.

"I never once looked or thought of another woman Annie, trust me, every woman I saw was just plain and wanting to get laid by a billionaire and not trying to know the man at first" He chuckled "But not you Annie, you actually wanted to know me and ignored the fact I was going to be a billionaire"

It's true. Me and nick went to high school together and I had a crush on him, your typical good girl and good boy love story. He was never a player he treated woman with respect and he wasn't exactly bad he kept his grades up and kept his attitude in check.

One day in my junior year, when he was in senior year, he came up to me and started talking to me, I was shocked and thought it was a joke but after a couple weeks I gave in and started growing a crush on him more and more and I did ignore the fact he would become a billionaire and I just saw Nick, my Nick.

"Annie, would you consider coming back to me?"

I looked up at him shocked.

No I cannot, he will break my heart again. and I don't think I could handle it.

"No nick, I can't, I don't want to be in a relationship if I can't trust my partner" He got closer to me while I scooted further back into the couch.

"Annie you can trust me, it was a mistake and I will never do it again" He stared at me and I almost gave in looking into those blue eyes.

I almost did.

"No." I got off the couch "I would like to go home now."

He got up as well "But ann-"

I held my hand up, silencing him"I want to go home."

I walked to the front door while he was right behind me and took me to his car.

We got in and he drove me home.

"Thank you annie, for tonight" He kept looking forward not looking at me anymore.

"Yes, but don't get use to it nick it was a one time thing" I said coldly and got off the car while hearing the car driving off fast into the night while going into my home and straight to my bedroom.

I didn't have to worry about Luke hearing me, he stayed with amy.

The rest of the night I cried myself asleep thinking about him.



Word count:1411

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