Bored in Asami's Office

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The sun shone down on Akihito as he commenced with his morning bath. As a stray you quickly give up on them because of the constant crusting of mud, blood or both. Now his tongue ran over his golden pelt and he tasted nothing but the human wash stuff that Asami put on him.

Last night he realized that the human meant to keep him inside his nest. He knew of those other cats that did not leave human nests, pets they were called, and they usually depended on humans to hunt for them. Hate seared through Akihito's body, He would not allow anyone to take care of him. The thought of begging the golden eyed man for food from his hunt hurt his pride, made it wilt as a flower in the desert. Refusal hung in the air as the morning sun shine hit his eyes. He would never allow some human to feed him, he would sooner have been eaten by those dogs.

A robin perched on the window ledge outside of the window over the oak headboard. It squeaked at him as though it knew Akihito could not leave the pillow he sat on for fear of Asami's wrath. The little feathered fiend began to peck the window in the most annoying fashion and the kitten pondered just getting up to scare it off.

It was then that the human began to stir, he flipped over and stared at Akihito with his golden eyes. No sound was made as the black haired man got up and opened the bed room door. He then left the door open and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. A small sense of freedom shot through the small kitten

His paws fidgeted for a single moment before darting for the door. Beyond the once barrier was a hallway with fluffy concrete that cuddled his paws like his mothers pelt. He walls were a horrid white that made Akihito's pelt stand on end. What was the human obsession with hiding from nature in their nests? Did they not understand that white usually meant death and prey avoided the color like the plague.

The hallway opened suddenly to an expanse full of mountainous human objects. To one side was a room with a half bed and a table with a human screen on the wall in front of it. He saw windows in that room but none of them were open so he scanned to the other side. The floor in the second room looked closer to the cement he had grown up knowing and, the most important thing to Akihito, over the edge of a counter was an open window.

With a yowl of delight the golden kitten made a mad dash for the window. His claws made a screech as the linoleum beneath him caused him to slip. Without his padded paws under him anymore he slid across the small kitchen on his butt.

A counter grew bigger as he was quickly approaching it. The kitten tried to back pedal but it was far too late and he slammed into it, hard. The vibration of his collision froze Akihito in pain. His spine groaned in discomfort. Before he could move a black and silver object suddenly crashed into a thousand piece, directly in front of him. Pieces of the now shattered coffee machine just missed the frightened kitten as he mearly stared at what could have been his death.

Fear and self preservation dictated Akihito's next movements as he ran away, not toward the open window but into the living room. The carpet under him gave little comfort as he sunk under the couch.

The dark and small space gave him a chance to collect his thoughts. If he had moved a single inch in any direction then he could have been killed. His tail wrapped around his paws and he finally noticed that his whole body was shaking. Blood was pooling out of his paw where a piece of glass had cut him but he paid it no mind. He just stared ahead of himself and shook in fear like a little mouse that feared all predators.

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway but still Akihito did not move. Asami's feet stopped in the living room. He then moved into the kitchen and for a moment Akihito thought that the human had forgotten about him but to no avail, "Akihito...AKIHITO! Get in here before I get angry."

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)Where stories live. Discover now