Tao's Treat

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Akihito was no where to be found. Asami had the whole town searched from top to bottom but no one had spotted hide or hair of his precious kitten. He even had Kirishima call to animal shelters just incase someone was too stupid to notice the golden kitten's handkerchief collar. Asami felt pure anger that his wild cat had some how escaped and then disappeared without a trace. He refused to allow a single rat leave the town without being double checked that it wasn't his Akihito.

He sat at his desk waiting for news of his kittens whereabouts when his personal line went off. Only his biggest buisness partners had that number so he picked it up, "Asami," A voice thick with a chinese accent responded, "Asami, I believe I have something of yours."

Asami's mind instantly understood what or rather who Fei-Long was speak of, "Akihito had better be uninjured." The yakuza felt no need to threaten the Chinese man on the phone, he would understand the underlaying death threat. The man responded, "Perfectly unharmed. In fact the little beast tried to scratch me a few times."

The older man inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, his kitten was okay and would be back in his arms, it was only a matter of time, "Very well, I will come and retrieve him right away." Asami stood up and was about to order Kirishima to prepare his personal jet when a voice stopped him, "No, I do not think that that will be necessary, Asami. I believe we can look after this little 'Akihito' until you can arrive to retrieve him."

Sitting down, Asami weighed his options of going and getting Akihito regardless of whether Fei-Long gave his permission or not but he quickly let that thought drop. He could not start a war over something like this when he could kill two birds with one stone. He smiled at the thought of calling Akihito a bird, the kitten would hiss at him and turn away in a pout. The yakuza almost laughed but resisted the urge.

"Then when I arrive in one week to take a look at the club I will pick up Akihito as well. I will expect you to bring him to the club so the transaction will occur there, promptly." Asami kept his voice even and business like.

The curt reply Fei-Long gave effectively ended the conversation, "Very well. We will await your arrival." Asami hung up the phone and called out for Kirishima, it was time to call out his Akihito search party and prepare for the new club in China.

Akihito's POV

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, Akihito still sat in the horrible metal crate with no food. Normally this would be no problem but the trip here and all the fighting in between had exhausted his food reserves. In a sense, Akihito was starving and beginning to get slightly annoyed at the human's inattention to his discomfort.

The kitten mewed and hissed almost constantly after a few hours of being ignored. No human so much as glanced at him, their eyes grazed past him as though he was nothing but a bug to them. Akihito came to a silent decision that the best course of action was to wait, to lay in wait for the right time to strike. After a few more hours the office emptied and the flouresent lights above the wildcat were turned off for the night. The kitten used his mind to its fullest potential, he pushed his head out carefully, mindful of his ears, and grasped the metal lock in his teeth.

Bitting down hard on the metal, Akihito pulled and pulled on the bar. After a few minutes of desperate pulling and scraping the metal bar pulled free and the door flung open. Finally free from his prison, Akihito ran to the door that was left slightly open. These humans must have been very stupid if they thought that one metal cage could stop Akihito from getting back to his town with his streets. He was a stray cat through and through and he craved the freedom he used to have on the streets.

The hallway was long and in the color of blood. Fear tried to spike through him but he drowned it in his growing adrenaline. He relished in the feeling of chasing and being chased. He could almost feel freedom on the tip of his tongue but first he had to get out into the night air. He came to a stop outside of a set of cold, metal doors, they were elevators.

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