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I groaned as the sound of a helicopter flying woke me up. I covered my head with a pillow as it got louder. Rolling my eyes, I changed into my clothes along with the others girls and together, we walked out of the cabin only to run once we heard Chris yell incoming. He landed harshly, the plane stopping on the ground.

"Just flexing your muscles for today's, extreme sports challenge," Chris yelled and I cornered my ears as he used the microphone thingy.

"It's too early for this," Gwen complains, looking like a zombie. I rub her back and she sends a smile, grateful.

"This week you will participate in three challenges. First up, extreme sofa bed sky diving." My eyes widened. I hate sky diving but what's sofa bed sky diving?

"Contestants will plummet - I mean sky dive to a waiting sofa bed target down below," Chris explained while Chef showed an example but hurt himself instead. "Of course, you'll be diving from 5,000 feet. And using these." He threw two old, dirty parachutes that don't even look safe.

"Are these even safe?" I asked as I nudged one with my foot before cringing back in disgust.

"Of course!" Chris answered before saying that Trent and Dj would be diving.

"Sure, why not," Trent said, cool with it. "You know what they say on Black co mountain, bro? Best glimpse of heaven is on the way to hell. Let's do this."

"Yeah, sure why not. Bring it on." Poor Dj, he's so scared.

"Not so fast." We all glanced at Chris, "Because the second challenge of the day is extreme rodeo moose riding."  He announced, yelling into the mic thing. We turned to look at a moose in a wooden cage thing. 

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Contestants will ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get thrown into a large pile of socks from the lost and sound." I gagged, the smell disgusting as the socks gave off a green stench.

"That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back at home," LeShawna said and my eyes widened, shocked.

"What?" I gapped and Leshawna winked at me before Chris swung an arm over her shoulder.

"It's your lucky day, LeShawna. You're riding for Gophers." He told her before moving away and looking at Geoff. "And Geoff, you're riding for Bass." He cheered, smiling. Chris then explained the third challenge and announced who would go.

"Wait, Chris." I called out, gaining his attention "What about me?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed, grinning. "Since we have an odd number, your team chose you to be sat out. Said something about needing you to sleep more." I gazed to my team and they smiled softly. I walked over to them, leaning into their Duncan's embrace.

"Thank you," I whispered, allowing him to hug me as he put his chin on my head.

"You're Welcome." He said before I hugged the others and they allowed me to go sleep. I walked to the cabin with a smile on my face. They were the best. I couldn't have asked for better friends and a better Boyfriend. Changing into my clothes, I snuggled under the blankets and allowed darkness to take me.


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"Diana." I heard a voice, my eyes opening as Bridgette's face came into view.

"Yeah?" My voice was quiet and soft, my eyes adjusting to the darkness.

"We lost." She said sadly as I sat up. I shook my head and rubbed her back.

"Don't worry about it, we always have next time," I reassured her, giving her a smile as she filled me in. Apparently, they were going to vote for either Duncan or Harold. The boys were going to vote Harold and so was Bridgette and I. I wasn't going to vote out my boyfriend.

"As you know, if you do not receive a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the dock of shame and you can never, ever return to camp," Chris told us for the hundredth time since we came here

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"As you know, if you do not receive a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the dock of shame and you can never, ever return to camp," Chris told us for the hundredth time since we came here. I sat next to Duncan, rubbing his back. He had bags under his eyes and I was worried.

"Bridgette and Diana, you are safe," Chris said as he threw us a marshmallow. Bridgette gasped in happiness, glad she wasn't voted off because you never know, someone might lie and vote you out. "Dj and Geoff, you two are safe as well." Chris threw a marshmallow to DJ before throwing one at Geoff who sat on a tree. I was told he fell into the sock pile.

"- COMPADRE," Geoff yelled I couldn't make out, only the last word.

"Okay, that leaves Harold who bailed big for reasons unknown." I furrowed my brows and so that Harold was smiling, not worried at all. "And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left him circling the drain in a shameless -" Chris was cut off as Duncan grabbed his shirt, an angry look on his face.

"That chic was determined." He gritted out, his voice deep and laced with anger which coursed a bit of fear through Chris.

"Which is why you are safe." Duncan grinned and took the marshmallow from Chris's hand. "Harold, sorry dude, you're done like dinner." Harold picked up his suitcases and began to walk to the dock of shame.

"Well," Harold started as he high fived all of us. "It's been fun, guys." I watched as he walked down the dock of shame. I smiled sadly but was soon pulled away. I glanced at Duncan who dragged me away. We walked to the cabin's and once we were outside, Duncan yanked me down, sitting us on the stairs - well him and me on his lap. I leant my head on his shoulder and we watched with amusement as LeShawna chased after Heather, who wore a purple towel around her.

"She must have done something with Harold. LeShawna fancies him and he fancies her." I told Duncan and he glanced at me in confusion.

"How do you know that?"

"Well, Harold asked me what he should do to express his love for her. Told him to write love letters for her." His eyes widened, shocked and surprise.

"That's why you always talked to him!" I nodded and I saw something flashed in his eyes causing me to giggle. He was relieved but I understand, I would be suspicious too.

"I love you." I blurted out, shocking him slightly until he chuckled and pecked my cheek.

"I love you more."

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