Stranger Danger

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(I keep driving the car when suddenly I get a text from....Jiwoo?)

"Come home ryt now! Its a catastrophe here unnie!"

(Omg! She came back...Yup...I gotta go home...wait...catastrophe? Whats she talking abt?)

(Y/N): I gotta go back

Yoongi: What? Where?

(Y/N): Home! Jiwoo came back home!

Yoongi: Ur roommate? So what abt..?

(Y/N): We'll go to Baekhyun's house later

(I make a U-turn and drive back to my apartment)

*After a while*

(I open the door to my flat)

(Y/N): Jiwoo!!!!

(Jiwoo comes out of my room and faces me)

Jiwoo: What the hell Unnie? Why is ur room in such a mess? There are books everywhere on the floor

(I look back and glare at Yoongi cause I figured it was his doing, but he just shrugged)

(Y/N): U came back tho!

Jiwoo: Course I did. I'm not a stubborn baby. I thought since u were so stressed and all I should give u some space

(We hugged for a while)

Jiwoo: Oh! Who's this?

(Y/N): He's....ughh...a friend

Jiwoo: Oh...

(Jiwoo goes near Yoongi and puts out her hand to shake Yoongi's)

Jiwoo: Hi! My name is Jiwoo. Its nice to meet u

(Yoongi didnt hold out his hand)

Yoongi: U too

(Jiwoo looked disappointed cause she thought he would tell her his name. Damnit I need to distract her)

(Y/N): Jiwoo!! Why dont u help me clean my room?

( I drag her to my room and Yoongi just stood there in the living room)

Jiwoo: Is he ur bf?

(Y/N): What? No...He's....Wooju

Jiwoo: Wooju? Thats so cuuute. Why is he have a mask on tho?

(Y/N): Ughh...he is extremely allergic so...he always puts on his mask..

Jiwoo: But I wanna see his face..

(Y/N): Dont even think abt doing...

(Before I could finish, Jiwoo runs to the living room as I chase her. She is so annoying!!!)

Jiwoo: Let me see u!!

(Yoongi didnt even notice her racing towards him and Jiwoo quickly puts down his mask, revealing his pale face. The next look on Jiwoo's face was beyong words. She recognized him....thats it...I'm screwed)

Jiwoo: What the-....what?

(Y/N): Jiwoo...

Yoongi: Its okay. Relax

Jiwoo: You're....He's....

(Y/N): Jiwoo, stay very calm

Jiwoo: Ur dead!! Ur suppose to be dead! Ur Min Yoongi....plz tell me ur his twin brother or something or else I will scream ryt now....

(I go near Jiwoo, grab her and pull her into my room. I made her sat down on the bed)

Jiwoo: I only was out for two days so what the fuck is going on?....

I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now