Park Jimin

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(Since we planned that we're gonna break in at night inside the Saga mansion, we still had the rest if the day so I decided to do some stuff. I told Jiwoo and Yoongi to go back hone while I finish my novel and sent it by email to Erik. Now that thats done, I think I should go and see the boys again in Bighit.)

(I arrive inside the building but one of the guys said that they're having some kind of a meeting with PD-Nim, so I decided that I should wait a while. I was roaming around the building. From the top floors I went all the way down to the basement. I wanted to see it bcuz that is where Yoongi drove thag car away with the boys. I arrive in the basement when suddenly I heard the sound of glass breaking. It stopped for a while but then started again and it caused me to run as fast ad I can to see what was happening in the garage)

(I open the door to the garage and see a blue car getting smashed by none other than....Park Jimin...)

(He had a baseball bat in his hands and he was smashing the windows of the car with full force)


(Jimin sees me but he doesnt say anything, and keeps on destroying the car)

(Y/N): STOP!!!! STOP IT!!

(He finally stops and throws away the bat and looks at me. He was sweating alot.)

(Y/N): W-What r u doing Jimin? Whats wrong?

Jimin: Its March 9th...

(Y/N): What?...

Jimin: March...9th...

(Y/N): Jimin??

(He quietly goes and sits down on the stairs...I can see tears in his eyes)

(Thats when it hit me.
March 9th....Today is Yoongi's birthday. could I forget?)

(I realized that the car he was smashing was the same one that Yoongi died in. He has it in his garage? Why??)

(I go sit next to Jimin. We sat quiet for a while when I spoke up)

(Y/N): Why do u have this car?

Jimin: ...........

(Y/N): Jimin answer me

Jimin: After....the "incident" happened... Namjoon personally requested to have the car here as a memorial for Yoongi-hyung. This was the last time we drove and had fun together....

(Y/N): Oh I see....I'm sorry..

Jimin: No ur not...

(Y/N): What do u mean?

Jimin: Ur not sorry. U were just too happy leaving us and going to America for five years without a call or even a text

(Y/N): Look I had to go away for a while okay?
I needed to take a break from life. After everything that happened..I wanted to stay away from everything that reminded me of Yoongi...

Jimin: ........You were gone when we needed u the most...

(Y/N): U guys never needee me....I was just ur stylist...

Jimin: Ur also our friend

(Y/N): *Sigh* So why did u break the car?

Jimin: Every year....I fix the car...then I break it down again....

(He puts his hands on his face and starts to cry)

Jimin: Knowing that I fixed nothing...

(He starts to cry really hard....I put my hand on his back to calm him down. Jimin really misses him alot....everyone does..)

(Y/N): I miss him too u know....

Jimin: Why did he have to die?

(Y/N): Its just fate....

( I promise Jimin...I will find the killer and avenge Yoongi's death. U have my word. I'm not letting u guys down a second time)

(Jimin slowly comes near me and hugs me and I hug him back as he kept weeping on my shoulder...poor Jimin...I wish I could tell him that he can see Yoongi but he's a ghost..but for his own good..I cant...I'm sorry Jimin)

Author's Note: Sorry Ik this was too short, but I'm actually quite busy nowadays. I'll update more later so plz wait 🙏

I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now