See you Again

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~ 11 years later~

(I wash the dishes at the basin in my kitchen wearing my apron)

(Suddenly the doorbell rings and Yoonji runs towards the door)

(Y/N): Yoonji! I told u not to open the door without my permission!

(But she opens it anyway and I see my husband smiling at our daughter and picking her up as she laughed)

Yoonji: Mommy!! Daddy's home!!

Yoosung: Yes I am baby...

(Y/N): Welcome home dear

(He kisses me on the lips as Yoonji frowns)

Yoonji: Ew...

(Y/N): Haha..come on now. Daddy's tired

(Yoosung puts down Yoonji as she runs off in front of Tv)

Yoosung: How was ur day?

(Y/N): It was the usual. How was ur day?

Yoosung: usual

(Y/N): Do u want to have dinner first or a bath?

Yoosung: A bath first I guess

(Y/N): Okay I'll prepare the hot water

(He comes near my ear and whispers)

Yoosung: With u...

(I giggle and hit him playfully)

(Y/N): Shhhh! Yoonji will hear you!

(He laughs and goes to his room)

~Later at dinner~

Yoonji: Mommy...I need help for my homework

Yoosung: Don't worry I'll help u later okay?

Yoonji: Okay!!~~

(I smile at them. They really mean everything to me)

Yoonji: Mommy...

(Y/N): Yes sweetie?

Yoonji: When will I see Jiwoo unnie again?

(Y/N): Well she's busy now baby...u know with her career and going to different parts of the world. It's hard being a journalist. But she will back soon. She called me and told me she misses u

Yoonji: She does?

(Y/N): Of course she does. Ur her favorite!

(Yoongi giggles)

(Huh? Who was that?)

(I look around but no one...maybe it was just Yoonji)

(Later on Yoosung helped me clean the dishes then he went to help Yoonji with her homework)

(Later on it was time to sleep and I was putting Yoonji in bed)

Yoonji: Mama?

(Y/N): Hm?

Yoonji: I saw Mr.Ghost today again

(Y/N): I told u. There is no Mr.Ghost. Don't make imaginary friends okay? U have real friends

Yoonji: But Mr.Ghost is real! He talks to me

(Y/N): *sighs* Yoonji enough..

Yoonji: He talks to me about u...

(I look at her with widen eyes Abt what she said)

(Y/N): Me?

Yoonji: Yeah...he says he's happy for u...and that he misses u

(Y/N): Okay enough now. Time to sleep...

(I was Abt to walk out the door when)

Yoonji: He gave me something!

(I turn to look at her)

(Y/N): Gave u what?

(Yoonji put her hand under her pillow and brings out a necklace)

Yoonji: He said it belongs to u...


(I hold the necklace Yoonji gives me.)

(It's way)

(Y/N): Where did u get this?

Yoonji: I told u. He gave it to me

(Y/N): Yoonji tell me the truth!!

Yoonji: I am telling u the truth! Why don't u ever believe me?!

(She says that and then hides herself under the blanket)

(It's the same necklace that...Yoongi gave me...How?)

(I go near Yoonji)

(Y/N): Okay I'm sorry....

(Yoonji gets out)

Yoonji: Do u believe me now?

(Y/N): I...yeah...

Yoonji: Do u know him?

(Y/N): really..Look u should go to sleep okay?

Yoonji: Stop lying. Ik u know him

(Y/N): God...okay fine..I knew him

Yoonji: Who was he to u?

(Y/N): Just...a person who meant alot to me. Now go to sleep

(I kiss her on her forehead as she goes to sleep)

(I look at the corner of her bedroom and....omg)

(I see Yoongi standing there smiling at me)

(His eyes look so kind and warm, he looks so at peace)

(It was the sweetest smile ever)

(He doesn't say anything but I know we both are thinking the same thing)

(We made it...we moved on...we're happy where we are...we don't regret anything)

(Not one thing...)

(Everything happens for a reason right? Or maybe I just say that to not cry...)

(Y/N): Yoongi...

(I whispered as he smiled for the last time, his eyes sparkle, it looks like tears then for the final  time he faded away)

(I smile too and go out of the bedroom and close the door as I hold the necklace)

(Yoongi.....Glad I saw u again..)

(And by thinking that. I go to my bedroom seeing Yoosung already is asleep on bed. I put the necklace in my drawer and then get up on bed as Yoosung holds me close and I put my head on his shoulder)

Yoosung: Was it Mr.Ghost again?

(Y/N): Yeah...she's fine. Don't worry

Yoosung: Yeah. Goodnight babe

(Y/N): Goodnight

(Yoosung kisses me on my head and we both fall asleep)

(Yoongi was my first love. And I will forever love him in a way as he will forever be in my heart. I hope he is in peace now)

(I will forever cherish our moments together. I will always remember u till I die)

(BTS is retired, some of them married and has kids. I am a mother now with a wonderful husband. Everything is alright now Yoongi so don't worry. Thank u for everything. May u rest in heaven. I love you....)

(I'll see you again)

(Maybe in another time)

(Maybe in another life)

(Maybe when we are different people)

(But I'll see you again)

(I hope)

End of
I Fell In Love With A Ghost
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I Fell In Love With A Ghost (A Min Yoongi Ff).               #LOVEYOURSELFAWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now