Chapter 6

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"Bucky, where are you?" Katie called out into the empty room. She was only a small child. She was alone in the room with the mascot, the other children were nowhere to be seen. There was a clicking noise from the lifeless form of the mascot. Click. Click. Click. The steady reassurance of the noise was almost comforting.
"Katherine! Run!" Bucky had shouted. The words didn't process in Katie's mind until a knife scraped down her left arm; a claw scraping her cheek, leaving three deep cuts. The metallic taste of blood leaking into Katie's mouth. Bucky scooped her up and ran with her. The two were dressed up like pirates; Katie in a frilly dress and Bucky as a pirate.
"Bucky, what's going on?" Katie asked.
"You have hurt yourself, Katherine," Bucky replied simply as if he was a robot and that is all his programming allowed him to do.
"I know I'm hurt," Katie mumbled as she put her right hand onto the large gash on her left arm. Bucky let go of her, holding her hand. They couldn't reach Mr Church, he was too far away from their tiny legs. Bucky pulled Katie through all of the hallways. Left. Right. Right. Left. They continued until they reached Bucky's mum.
"Katie has to go now," Mrs Stark smiled. Mr and Mrs Church came up behind the children and grabbed one of Katie's hands each, marching her from the large house. That would be the last time she saw Bucky.

Katie felt Lorenzo put his arms around her shoulders.
"What's up?" He asked.
"The sky, the ceiling and the roof," Katie joked. Lorenzo laughed.
"I'm serious Katie," Lorenzo stated.
"I was just thinking," Katie said.
"What about?" Lorenzo questioned. Lorenzo was much nicer to Katie than Leo.
"An old childhood friend," Katie smiled at the memories fondly. Lorenzo sensed that she wasn't telling him everything.
"Who was this friend?" Lorenzo smiled.
"Bucky Stark," Katie replied, her fingertips tracing the scar on her arm. Lorenzo's eyes widened at the name.
"The one that was obsessed with pirates?"
"How did you know him?"
"I'm friends with his older brother, Bart."
"Oh," Katie sighed.
"Bart used to torment Leonardo," Lorenzo laughed as he hugged Katie.
"Can I have a pet?" Katie asked randomly.
"What kind of pet?" Lorenzo asked, taken aback by her question.
"A turtle," Katie said as if it were the most obvious thing.
"I don't see why not, as long as you look after it," Lorenzo sighed as he got his car keys off the hook. Katie squealed with delight as she ran through the door and waited by Lorenzo's car. He pressed the button and climbed in, turning the key in the ignition he pulled out of he driveway. As soon as they got to the pet shop Katie raced towards the turtles and saw one she instantly liked.
"I'm gonna a call him Spike," Katie laughed as she looked up at Lorenzo. He smiled down at his sister and messed up her hair.
"If that's the one you want then you can have him," Lorenzo said as he paid for the turtle.

"Katie, can I ask you something?" Callum snuck up on Katie at lunch on Wednesday.
"Sure Callum," Katie replied as her friends started giggling and pointing.
"There is a new boy in my class I want you to meet. His name is Bucky I believe," Callum said. Katie's heart skipped a beat. Bucky Stark.
"Is it Bucky Stark?" Katie asked.
"How do you know me?" Came a voice. He had a Brooklyn accent. The boy had messy black hair, tea green eyes and a two missing teeth on the top row.
"I'm the president," Katie rolled her eyes.
"No you aren't, you are Katherine Church," Bucky laughed.
"No, I'm not. I was adopted," Katie replied, clenching her fists. She grabbed Micheal and pulled him away. She went back and grabbed Callum and Bucky, dragging them all out of the school grounds and towards the woods.
"Where are we going?" Bucky asked, adjusting the black skull and crossbones bandanna around his neck. Bucky was new so he didn't have the new uniform. He wore black jeans, a grey top and a black hoodie which was tied around his waist. Katie looked up into Bucky's green eyes. "I believe that you have the correct clothing for this job, Bucky," Katie smiled as she ran into the woods. the three boys following her.

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