Chapter 15

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3 months after that eventful night, the trial of Leonardo Cooper took place. He pleaded not guilty to the murders. Casey was also released from the hospital. Katie sat on her bed, in her old room and looked out of the window at the pink sky. A knock at Katie's bedroom door.
"Come in," she called. Casey opened the door, a smile plastered on his face. He sat down next to Katie.
"I heard about you and Bucky. I'm so sorry," Casey said.
"It's fine. He is probably crying in his room, being spoilt," Katie dismissed.
"Wanna see my scar?" He asked with excitement.
"Yeah," Katie smiled. Casey lifted his top to expose his stomach and a red line where the knife had entered his body. Katie traced it with her fingers.
"I can't believe Leo's trial," Casey said. Casey couldn't attend, but he had read about it and the others had told Casey what happened. Leonardo was accused with the murder of his mother, Lorenzo, Max Church and the attempted murder of Casey. Queries were also raised about Steve Cooper, the father's disappearance several years earlier.
"He was sentenced Life in jail with no chance of Parole," Katie said.
"It's kinda sad. He obviously wasn't diagnosed with any mental problems, and that just tore the whole family apart," Casey said. Callum opened the door and held out a brown envelope, neatly labelled 'Katherine Cooper' in black ink. The handwriting was too familiar. Katie took it and opened it with shaky hands. She pulled out the paper inside to discover that they were diary fragments.

12th January 19××
2 years ago today. Dad took me fishing. The cold weather wasn't a good idea. Dad assured me that it was okay, but I knew otherwise. But with the blind devotion of an 8-year-old, I went with him. We had to be careful as parts of the River had a thin layer of ice over the top. We were very close to the bank when the small rocks overturned us. I went straight onto the frosted, slightly snow dusted, mud, while dad was trapped underneath. I watched his head bob out of the cold water before a large rock behind him got in his way. I watched him slip beneath the water and ice. We never saw him again.

5th July 19××
Today I did the unthinkable. I ended my mother. It was easier than I expected. All I had to do was slip some drugs into her tea. I have to get my mother out of the way. She is withholding the money we need. I can get her insurance money and get Lorenzo out of the picture then I get Micheal to follow my path. Maybe then I can have Katherine return. It was easy to pose as my mother, being tall for my age and more comparable to my mother. I bought hair extensions, wore a coat with padding over my chest to hide the flatness of being a guy. Then walked around town, making people believe that my mother was still alive. I have to get rid of her body though.

Katie stated at these two scraps of paper, then at a small note. She opened it.

Hope you detectives try and find the bodies. I'm not sure where dad's body is but I know exactly where mum's is. Come and see me soon!

Leo still had a hold over everything. Still the puppetmaster pulling the strings.

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