Chapter 9

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Lorenzo picked up the house phone.
"Is that Mr Cooper? This is Micheal and Katherine's school," the woman on the other end started.
"Yes. Lorenzo Cooper speaking," Lorenzo said.
"I'm sorry if you are doing something important but Katherine, Micheal and another student have gone missing," the woman informed.
"What do you mean they have gone?" Lorenzo asked, his fist clenched.
"They disappeared from the school grounds. The last person to see them was Callum Church," the woman explained.
"My brother and I are coming up the school," Lorenzo said as he put the phone down.

"What happened Lorenzo?" Leonardo asked his brother.
"Katie, Mikey and some other kid have gone missing," Lorenzo stated as there was a knock at the door. Leo answered it and on the doorstep stood a man in a suit and a woman finely dressed.
"Can I help you?" Leo asked.
"Yes, but are you going to leave us on the doorstep?" The man asked distastefully.
"Uh... please Sir and Ma'am, come in and take a seat," Leo stuttered.
"Thank you. May we talk?" The man inquired.
"Yes," Leo said, impatience lacing his voice.
"Thank you. Which one of you is the father of Katherine and Micheal?" The woman asked. The twins looked at each other.
"Neither," Lorenzo snapped.
"Well, that is no way to speak to a woman," the blonde rich woman said, over dramatically offended. Lorenzo rolled his eyes.
"Aren't you a little over dressed? I mean, you look nice but it's too flamboyant," Leo smirked. The grey-haired man growled.
"You better lose the attitude sunshine," the grey growled.
"Or what? Your gonna flash your gems in our eyes?" The cheeky Lorenzo laughed.
"I am William Stark. Your abomination of children have led my son astray. He was better off with the Church family!" The man burst. Leo took a step back, realisation slapping him in the face like whack-a-mole.
"Our children!? We have no children Mr Stick-It-Up-Your-Ass. Only younger siblings. If you are so rich then you could buy some manners and respect, maybe then I will talk to you!" Lorenzo yelled back, his fists clenched.
"You could live in a effing palace for all I care, that won't change your effing attitude to those who don't have enough money to spend it on the latest trends. Your son chose to stick with Katie and Mikey, they didn't kidnap him. He has his own life and you can't control it. He isn't your puppet. Mr and Mrs Stick-It-Up-Your-Ass,we must now go and find our brother and sister. I'm sure that if you are good parents, then you should come and find your son," Leo spat angrily at the two snobs. Mr and Mrs Stark looked surprised by the words, but left speechless as the twins left the room.

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