13 years later

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Micheal pulled up, his wife Hannah in the seat beside him and his two sons, Brandon and Liam in the back. He got out of the car and embraced his sister whom he had grown taller than. Katie smiled, glad to see her nephews. It had been a week since Leo hung himself in his cell. Cody approached, a small girl on his shoulders, her green eyes mirroring her father's. His fianceé walked beside him, looking up at the young girl. Casey and Callum had yet to arrive, neither tied down to a woman. Casey was the next to arrive. He looked exactly like his father, just shorter than Max Church would be. Hannah pulled her sons out of the car and put the youngest, Liam, on her hip.
"Happy Birthday Cody!" Callum shouted from across the road, looking to not get hit by a car. Cody looked around as Callum shoved his reading glasses into his pocket.
"Thanks Callum. Sally bought me a bottle of Whisky, which I shall enjoy later. Diane drew me a picture," Cody smiled.
"Happy birthday little brother. Feeling old yet?" Casey asked.
"I am 30. I would hardly class myself as old," Cody grumbled.
"I'm 32, nearly 33. I am older than you are," Casey replied.
"At least the kids are off school," Katie piped up.
"It's only the 2nd August. It's not long been since they finished the school year," Cody replied. The sun shone down on the group as they carried on talking catching up with each other. Katie had decided to end everything by burying the letters where no one would find them. Her story had an ending.

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