36. Just Come Out

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Chapter Thirty-Six

2 days. Thats how long its been since the memorable trip to the lakeside with my neighbour - slash - school bad boy - slash - Kyle Richards - slash -my boyfriend. Kyle Richards was my boyfriend. Now that sounded wierd but surprisingly right and comfortable.  

Unfortunately the day ended fast and the next morning I woke up in a not so good of a mood as the day before. Probably because I had a constantly runny nose and every time I'd try to make the slightest noise, my throat would light on fire from the inside. So instead of doing anything, I lay in bed for a whole Sunday, watching re-runs of The Carrie Diaries. 

My hope of feeling better for school on Monday were completely drained as I woke up with a sky high temperature and black bags under my eyes. I looked like a ghost.

"You are staying at home Hannah." My mother said sternly, placing my food tray next to my bed.

"Mum, I can deal with school." I croaked. "See? At least I'm speaking today."

My mum rolled her eyes. "If you want to go to school to see your friends and Kyle," She let herself smile quickly before putting her stern face back on,  "Then they can visit you. But you can forget about getting out of bed for any other reason than toilet."

I huffed. "But mum—"

"Hannah, whatever you have is probably contagious.  You're a harm to people right now." I rolled ny eyes. Mu mum had a bad habit of over exaggerating things. I mean, she made this flu sound like a deadly wipe out disease.

"Okay. Fine."

She quickly looked at her watch before a panicked expression appeared on her face. "Okay I must get going. You lay here and rest. I'll call you during the day sweetheart.  See you later." She kissed me on my forehead and hurried out my room. Shortly after I heard the front door shut.

I reached for my phone.

To: Casey; Layna; Jakey

Guys, I'm not coming into school today :( I'm ill. If you have a free period, come over! We need to talk!!! x

I instantly got a reply.

From: Casey

Han! We'll be right there! Hold on. DON'T DIE!!!!

I laughed at my best friends text. No wonder she got along with ny mum so well.

I only had to wait a few minutes before I heard the front door open and three pairs of feet run up the stairs just before my bedroom door slammed open and a panicked face Casey entered, followed by wide-eyed Jake and  an out of breathe Layna.

Casey ran up to my bed and wrapped her arms around me, cutting off my blood flow in more than one place.

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