Chapter Three ~ A Normal Person In A Different World.

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Jennifer woke up, her vision was blurry. She felt a numb aching pain around her body as she looked up and saw a big golden chandelier. Crystals hang from each cup, beautiful white designs like dragons were carved around the chandelier. The window was open and a slight breeze came in, white curtains were lightly flapping against the window as the sun came steaming in.

Jennifer pushed herself up in a sitting position, she was in a fancy bedroom and massive bed. She scratched her head in confusion. Moving her legs to the side of the bed she lifed the quilt up and stood up on wobbly legs. Her feet landed on a fluffy carpet which made her feel happy even though she was aching. Her clothes were neatly folded on the side chair, she panicked and looked down at herself and blew out a breath. She was wearing her pants still and a big long red t-shirt.

She got up and put her clothes on and smelt a fruity scent off them. Lucas? Wheres Lucas? She searched around the room. Jennifer left the bedroom and came confronted with a long hallway, in front of her was a wooden table with a glass top and a bunch of flowers in a vase. Is Lucas rich?

All the walls were plain with no pictures, now that she thought about it, there was only a bed and chair in that bedroom Jennifer thought to herself. The lounge door was wide open, Lucas was standing outside the balcony in white shorts and a t-shirt. The windows showed a spectacular view of big buildings and skyscrapers from afar.

"Dads not shoving his ridiculous opinions down your throat Molly?" Lucas asked tightly.

Jennifer stood frozen feeling awkward.

"Even if you say so Molly, right now I don't have an understanding of our father." Lucas said tightly,

Sister Jennifer thought.

She tiptoed onto the polished floorboards like she'd broken into the building and wasn't meant to be there. She made it to the joint kitchen when she stumbled upon a squicky floorboard, she froze and looked up. Lucas looked at her from a distance unexpectedly.

"No I don't live with a ghost Molly, I have a guest at the moment." Lucas sighed.

"No you're not coming round yet, remember we agreed on a certain day and time." Lucas said while flashing an unguarded smile that left Jennifer feeling weak.

"Okay Molly don't let dad interfere with your work. Bye." Lucas said and put his phone down on his way towards Jennifer.

"You're rich." Jennifer blurted out. Well great way to break the ice Jennifer.

Lucas looked taken aback.

"Most women already know that before they even make it to my front door." He said grinning with a shrug of shoulders.

Jennifer frowned at Lucas's cocky expression.

"I'm not like most women and I'm certainly not here for the same reasons as them." Jennifer said unamused.

Lucas closed the distance between them.

"No you're not." Lucas breathed into Jennifers ear.

Goosebumps appeared around Jennifers body as she looked deeply into Lucas's eyes.

"Thats why you made it inside, unlike them." Lucas said smiling.

He's teasing me Jennifer thought.

"Are you alright being up?" He said as all teasing fell off of his face.

"Yes I'm fine." Jennifer replied frowning.

Jennifer felt Lucas's hands touch her body, pain shot up from her waist that felt like a stitch between her shoulder blades. She winced.

"Hmm well doesn't look like it then." Lucas stated, as he walked past her.

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