Chapter Nine ~ Acceptance And Passion.

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Lucas woke up startled as the nightmare started to fade away, the old memory comes back to haunt him every now and then. He felt pain around his neck as he started to wake up. He sat up in a awkward position and moved his arm but found he couldn't. He blinked the sleep away and stretched but his neck flared up.

"Ow!" He yelped.

He looked around the room and then down at the weight on his shoulder. Jennifer was sleeping peacefully, her boobs were squished up to his arm and her angelic resting face, a massive contrast to the face in his nightmares. A content smile was on her face and he sighed, he started doing some neck exercises which eventually helped ease the pain.

Jennifer moaned in her sleep and Lucas whipped round forgetting about his neck for a second and yelped a second time. He was ready to face a misunderstanding just in case but instead found her breathing heavy, still asleep. A scared and anguished expression was on her face as a tear ran down one cheek. Lucas thought he wasn't the only one having a nightmare.

Lucas touched her chin and wiped the tear away with his other hand and moved in to kiss her lips, his neck slightly hurt but he ignored it and started to rub her chin with his thumb and then ran his thumb down her neck. When her breathing started to calm down and she snuggled closer, he moved her off him and slowly laid her down on the sofa. A blanket was on top of her. Jack or Lewis must have put it on them last night he thought. He got up and went upstairs, his hands were on his head. His fingers running through his bed hair, he walked up one step at a time before he could change his mind.

Lucas remembered the decision he made yesterday and thought he had already broken it. He looked in the mirror at himself in the bathroom. How is he going to stay away from her? Lucas questioned as he remembered her unguarded expression and how her lips felt against his. His cheeks flushed, not normally one to blush because of a woman but she's definitely not just any woman. He decided to sort out his hair otherwise hes going to get questioned because of the obvious stress hair look, let alone bed hair look.


Jennifer woke up alone on the sofa cuddling a pillow, a blanket was hastily thrown over her. She looked around, the room was dark from the blinds being shut. She yawned and stretched her arms out above her, thinking about how shes going to seduce Lucas. She giggled and then she remembered her dream, and the smile vanished. Jennifer remembered that day like it had happened only yesterday, the smell of smoke, the sight of her, broken.

She heard what sounded like footsteps and Jack appeared in front of her yawning and giving her a devilish smile. She gave him a look back and he grinned. She got up and walked to him in the kitchen. She put her hands on the counter in front of him and raised her eyebrows.

"So what happened last night to put that gorgeous smile on your face?" She asked cheekily and rested her cheek in her hand leaning on the counter grinning at him in anticipation.

"Well Lewis slept with me last night." He said sighing as he put the kettle on.

Although he was looking away, Jennifer could see the massive grin on his face and she smiled happy for her long time friend and her recent friend. She cuddled Jack briefly from behind.

"You really like him?" She asked teasing.

He turned around.

"Well I would of been in his boxers by now if I didn't take this seriously." He said laughing.

"You mean you haven't?" Jennifer asked surprised.

"He's new to the whole liking another guy thing. We just cuddled, kissed and slept together in my bed." He said shyly.

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