Chapter Twelve ~ Epilogue (End)

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5 Years Later.

Jennifer Anderson pushed the buggy over a difficult curb, grumbling away as she went.

"Why is this aways so difficult?" She whispered out loud under her breath, trying not to wake the sleeping baby.

She was only five months old. They had named her after much consideration Molly, after her auntie. Her auntie had been very upset to find out that she wasn't picked as her godmother. She smiled remembering it. Jennifer picked her long time best friend Jasmine as her baby's godmother. Even Lucas had no say in the matter. Lucas picked Lewis as the godfather and that was their condition. Jennifer picks the godmother and Lucas picks the godfather.

Jennifer walked over to the small restaurant where she usually went to get away from the luxurious mansion that she still hadn't got used to yet. She had been pestered and babied from Lucas and his father and all the people they both hired. She still valued her alone time even though she had more of it now, as she had left her job temporarily to raise her daughter and future kids. When the time came she will return to work as a police woman but for now she was enjoying being a stay at home mom. Which reminded her, Kim and Chris had just had their first baby, a girl. Jennifer had stayed in touch with Kim as they had bonded. She enjoyed telling her embarrassing stories about Chris. She felt she had finally forgiven the past and Chris.

She approached the cute cottage door, this was the best and safest place from everyone and the paparazzi as it was completely unknown and not just anyone could go in there. She went in and sat down and watched her baby sleep. Sighing as the peace and quiet in the small restaurant made her feel good. She felt blessed and thought about her friends. Jasmine had found a loving partner in Matt, her recent lab hire, although younger than her, he managed to break down her walls and win her over and make her act and look five years younger. Jack and Lewis were happily married and living together, they had just recently signed papers to adopt.

Molly was hanging in there, she's young though, she's got lots of time. Jennifer laughed out loud but then caught herself and quickly looked at her sleeping angel. She blew out a breath and released it when she realised she hadn't woken her up. She thought back to what made her laugh. Molly, talking about something like how she had a man every week, which Jennifer could definitely believe.

Her thoughts then turned to Lucas as she saw him approaching her, he didn't look any different from when they first met, and she still wanted him all the time. As if he knew what she was thinking, he winked at her, making her blush. He sat down and leaned in for a passionate kiss that made her toes curl.

They broke apart.

"So how about we start on baby number two? My sexy wife." Lucas asked huskily.

Jennifer blushed and swallowed. She cleared her throat trying to keep her mouth shut not trusting her self, as she desperately wanted to suggest going somewhere private after dropping off Molly either with her father in law, or her sister in law.


Lucas looked at his gorgeous wife, sunlight filtered through the window making her hair sparkle, she looked even more beautiful and amazing then before and after the birth of his daughter. His wife's figure had filled out more but he didn't mind that at all. It just made him desire her more. Lucas took Jennifer's hand, squeezing it and lifting it to his lips, he gave her a kiss and looked up. Wanting to see her reaction, he almost had to stop himself from laughing at first for her face was in a frown, not happy at all about him teasing her. He looked into her eyes and she relaxed into a smile, she aways forgave his teasing.

Thinking back on the last five years, Lucas couldn't believe how much he had changed, he had his own business, his sister Molly was the new CEO for their fathers company, they worked together most days. Lucas found his sister to be more scary since she took on the role. He really does feel sorry for whoever captures her attention, for he is in for a rollercoaster with unstable tracks. He felt better within himself, after confessing to Jennifer about his mother, he felt like the weight of the world fell off his shoulders. His relationship with his father had improved and even his own growing business was thriving. There was absolutely nothing he would change right now.

John Green had passed away after a year in prison. his cancer had progressed and he had been moved into a hospital for awhile as he was slowly dying. Lucas had visited him with his father briefly before he died. A part of him won't forgive him, however both him and his father agreed to visit him, otherwise they felt they would have regret it.

Jennifer leaned in for another naughty kiss across the table, and an old couple were chuckling at us. They have been working for Lucas's father for a long time and knew Lucas and Molly since they were in diapers.

"I just remembered something, I can't believe I forgot about it, I guess what with everything that went on back then it didn't cross my mind again but just before I was kidnapped, you had a word with your father. I always wondered what you two had talked about?" Jennifer asked breaking Lucas out of his thoughts.

Her eyes wide and sparkling with curiosity.

He laughed. She really wants to know. He thought.

"Well you're in luck, cause I remember. He said he was proud of me and asked me to become better, a better example as a husband and a father than him." Lucas said remembering how surprised he was.

Jennifer smiled and put her hand on his.

"Your father was too hard on himself." She said and Lucas had to agree with her.

As they grinned and went in for another naughty kiss. Molly chose that moment to let out a cry.

The two newly parents cooed at their baby lovingly, not knowing that their second child had already been conceived.


Authors Note.

Thank you for reading my story! That is if you made it this far.

I actually started this a long time ago (2016 or maybe 2015) 😂

Eventually it felt like I wouldn't make it. It was only recently when things had clicked and I knew how I wanted it to end. I hope I did end it well.

Let me know what you guys think?


I picked pretty much random music, some of them because they went well with the title or I just love the band and some because they are unknown and deserve some attention.

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